20th Sunday after Pentecost

christ-as-saviourMeditation by the Very Rev. Dr. David M. Petras
Galatians 1:11-19; Luke 6:31-36

In the Gospel of St. Matthew, Jesus commands us, “Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:47)” In Luke’s Gospel, he commands, “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:36)” Mercy, therefore, is perfection. How, indeed, can we, weak and finite human beings achieve “perfection.” How can we keep God’s command. St. Gregory of Nyssa pondered that problem and asked that question. His response was, that perhaps perfection consists in this: constant growth in the good. It might seem that God is asking the impossible of us today, “love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back.” This goes against every human instinct, yet this is what God demands, for this is how God is merciful. That God is merciful appears on every page of the Scripture, and we pray constantly, “Lord, have mercy.” We cannot ask God’s mercy unless we are merciful. Perhaps the answer to this problem is the same as perfection: we must constantly grow in mercy. If we do not, then we grow in hate. If we seek revenge and retribution, then pain and hate simply grow and grow in a circle of mutual destruction. God’s command is ultimately the only logic of a God who has created all things and loves all. Today we must do the impossible, today we must become a Christian, through God’s help.

Protection of the Theotokos

protection-of-the-theotokosMeditation by Very Rev. Dr. David Petras

There is only one God, one Creator, one Savior, one Redeemer. Yet this one God has chosen to be friends with his creation. As St. Paul told us, he humbled himself to become a man, like us in every way except sin. There are many ways he could have become a man, but he chose to be born of a woman who in her human nature, accepted completely the will of God, so that through her God could enter into our time and our story. Then, at Cana, it was his mother, a woman, who by her plea, guided God to make wine out of water, telling the stewards, and through them, saying to all of us, “Do whatever he tells you.” Today we rejoice and celebrate in this human being, who through her will, God intervened in human life to bring us salvation. This is why we can celebrate her protection, why we can sing, “Through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Savior, save us,” and why we can even pray, “Most Holy Theotokos, save us!” Glory to God, who has made us partakers in the divine nature. (2 Peter 1:4)”

Divine Liturgy at the parish today, October 1, at 8:00 a.m.

Byzantine Catholic theology explored

If you have ever been interested in the deeper questions of theology from the Byzantine perspective, or have had doubts about the teachings of the Church, perhaps a little study will help you clarify what the Byzantine Catholic Church holds and teaches and how she forms the hearts and minds of the faithful.

khaled-anatoliosFather Khaled Anatolios, PhD of the University of Notre Dame’s Department of Theology is a married priest of the Melkite Eparchy of Newton. He explains his current work as a professor, researcher and writer in this brief video.

Father Anatolios is interested in all aspects of the theology of the early Church, with special emphasis on the Trinitarian and Christological doctrines of the Greek fathers and Augustine; early Christian biblical exegesis; and the engagement between early Christian theological reflection and contemporary theologians. His current research focuses on the doctrine of salvation, particularly the disconnect between classical sources and modern experience. “Christian teaching comes out of a history of interpretation, of conversation, of dialogue, of debate, sometimes of conflict,” Anatolios said. “To understand the contents of that revelation, we have to try to reinsert ourselves into that culture so that we can re-inhabit that world.”

You may be interested in listening to this talk of Father Anatolios on mystery and the Holy Trinity.

Halloween Masquerade October 22

halloween-pumpkinsOur Parish invites you to the annual Halloween Masquerade on Saturday, October 22, at 6:00 p.m. Masks and costume required.

Tickets are $45.00. Live music and food included.
For tickets please call Father Iura (203-865-0388) or Nataliya (201-660-3408).

Adult Faith Formation

adult-faith-logoOnline Faith Formation classes – Open to All!

Starting September 20, 2016, the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix Department of Evangelization and Religious Education is hosting a series of online adult education classes.

There will be a series of talks on Tuesdays and standalone courses on some Thursdays. Anyone with a computer, phone or tablet can attend via online conference technology.

Click the link here to register for the event so you can receive connection details and reminders.

Courses are completely free!



Whether you are visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish community, are returning to the practice of your Catholic faith, or are interested in finding out more about the Eastern Catholic Church, we’re happy to have you here.

St. Michael’s is a faith-filled people of the Ukrainian Catholic tradition. We strive to make the Divine Liturgy the heartbeat of our faith community and we stand ready to bear witness to the Lord with our life. Saint Michael’s is a parish rooted in Jesus Christ, active in our love of neighbor, on the path toward salvation in the Holy Trinity.

Join us today in supporting the St. Michael’s Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief Fund!

Your gift today will provide food, medical supplies, clothing, and items for children. These items will all be immediately distributed, and 100% of your gift will go directly to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. No amount is too small.