Update for the Ukrainian Relief Project

Carl Harvey reports that Father Roman has received the most recent shipment in Ukraine. Carl and Myron and their committee wish to express their gratitude to all of the people who have contributed the items that were shipped over and the funding to cover the costs associated with shipping it over to Father Roman.

We are sourcing vehicles and specific, professional medical supplies to support the injured soldiers. Funding is most critical in getting materials to Ukraine especially with transportation costs rising.

Online gifts for the Ukrainian humanitarian work may be made here: https://stmichaelukrainian.org

We are planning to send out our next shipment on November 19th.

You are an AMAZING GROUP OF PEOPLE. We are EXTREMELY GRATEFUL to all of you and the others of our group that enable us to continue with this program and to accomplish so much.

Our friends at Yale University recently raised $3700.00 that will go to the Come Back Alive Foundation. Daria and her committee raised awareness and funds with the help of varenyky made by the Pierogi Project at St Michael’s.

Bobriwka is hosting Pecheny Baraboli this Sunday, Oct 16. Starts at 1pm. Potatoes provided, bring a side dish to share. See the attached flyer.

May GOD BLESS all of you!!!!

KofC Chaplain Visits Poland and Ukraine

Archbishop William Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore and the Chaplain met with Knights of Columbus, Church leaders and displaced families in Poland and Ukraine October 1-4. During the visit, he helped distribute aid to refugees from the war in Ukraine and witnessed ongoing humanitarian efforts aided by the Order’s Ukraine Solidarity Fund — including initiatives of the Greek- and Latin-rite Churches in Ukraine and an orphanage run by the Archdiocese of Częstochowa, Poland.

Standing with Ukraine events

-Now through October 15, 2022-“Women at War: 14 Ukrainian artists. Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic CT https://www.easternct.edu/art-gallery/index.html

-Varenyky Night-every Thursday night 5:30pm-8:00pm at the Sunflower Cafe-Ukrainian National Home of Hartford

-Friday, September 30, 2022-6pm-11pm-Oktoberfest at the Ukrainian National Home of Hartford 961 Wethersfield Ave http://www.ukrainiannationalhome.org

-Sunday, October 9, 2022-3pm-Dakha Brakha at the Jorgensen Auditorium-University of Connecticut Storrs CT

-Saturday, October 15, 2022-7pm-Vyshyvani Vechernytsi to support Ukraine-Krayany Association at the Ukrainian National Home of Hartford

-Sunday, October 30, 2022-2pm-Benefit Concert to aid Ukraine-Yevshan Ukrainian Vocal Ensemble-Church of St Thomas the Apostle 872 Farmington Ave West Hartford CT

-Wednesday, November 9, 2022-“Rising Fury” at the Ridgefield Playhouse

Thank you for your support of Ukraine.

Support reaches the front lines

Father Roman (Роман Мануляк) blesses a vehicle purchased with the monies raised by Carl R Harvey and Myron Melnick through the benefactions of our community, near and far.

This vehicle will be used to transport goods and people near the front lines of the war.

Thank you!

UPDATE note on the Ukrainian Relief Project New Haven, August 3, 2022

The Ukrainian American Veterans Post 33, New Haven and the St Michael Humanitarian Relief Fund have been closely collaborating to provide medical supplies for Ukraine’s military.

We are now systematically refocusing our efforts to DIRECTLY address the immediate  medical needs  of those wounded on the front lines of combat . We aim to provide high quality supplies directly to those medics and soldiers on the front lines  in an all out effort to save lives.

To do this we are working closely with Father Roman Manuluk and his parish outside of Lviv, Ukraine. Father Roman coordinates with the Vynnyky Veterans Hospital and its director Doctor Maxym Prykupenko to receive and distribute our supplies to where they are needed most throughout Ukraine . We know and trust both Father Roman (he is a relative of one of our parishioners) and Doctor Prykupenko  personally and have worked with them throughout to guarantee that our assistance gets to those places that need it.

We currently have two initiatives:

1. We are purchasing and sending immediate life-saving items:

Tourniquets, blood clotting powders and blood clotting bandages. These three items are top EMT quality and are sourced from a distributor in Old Saybrook, CT. Purchasing this way ( and at a substantial discount ) we can verify the quality of the materials and respond to the precise needs as specified by physicians and medics on Ukraine’s front lines.

Please don’t try to purchase these items on your own. The exact items needed are not readily available. 

2. We are working personally with the Chief of Police in Kyiv to retrofit (repair and to make more suitable for war conditions) a vehicle for transporting wounded soldiers.  Recent events in Ukraine have shown that the American and European-made ambulances have been targeted and destroyed by Russian forces. Our retrofitting of common transport vehicles is a much safer and much more economical approach to transporting wounded soldiers .

We are now appealing to our broader Connecticut community to support our above-mentioned initiatives with monetary donations so that we can purchase and send these critically needed items directly to Ukraine’s front line soldiers and defenders

Change in Saturday volunteering

The truck collecting the goods from St Michael’s on Saturday, 7/30, has changed the time to the afternoon on Saturday. Work time will now start at 1pm.

As many know, the packing up of the goods going to Ukraine is a process which includes labelling boxes, accounting for the contents of each box and getting the boxes on the truck.

Thank you for your willingness to help! It is much appreciated.

Help needed Saturday, July 30

We are preparing to send another shipment of medical and humanitarian aid to Ukraine next weekend.

Carl and Jayne and their helpers have done a terrific job in organizing the boxes so that they pass inspection by the proper authorities.

Help is requested by Carl and Jayne at 8:30 am on Saturday morning, July 30. Boxes need to be loaded into a truck.

Can you help?

Meet at the church hall at 8:30 a.m.

Help needed on July 11

Carl Harvey (Ukrainian Relief Project New Haven) needs help moving lots of boxes (perhaps 75 medium sized) of medical supplies into a truck on Monday, July 11, at 11:00 a.m. Can you help?

Senator Richard Blumenthal to report on trip to Ukraine

This Sunday, July 10th, at 11:00 AM Senator Richard Blumenthal will report on his trip to Ukraine. This Wednesday and Thursday he traveled with Senator Lindsey Graham and met with President Zelenskyy and other government officials to discuss the war in Ukraine. We expect wide press coverage of this event. All are invited to participate.

The meeting will happen following the 10am Divine Liturgy in the church hall.

В неділю 10 липня o год 11:00 рано у залі при церкві Св Михаіла 569 George St, New Haven, виступить Сенатор Р. Блюментал зі звітом про зустріч у Києві з През. Зеленським і військовими чиновниками. Запрошуємо всіх до участи.