Christ is born!
This week vigil light is offered by Volodymyr Dumalsky in memory of
Hanna Dumalska.
If you would like to bless your house please fill the form that are in the vestibule or call the rectory office 203-865-0388.
SOROKOUSTY/All Souls Saturdays will soon begin. Please take a book found at the entrance of the church, fill it out, place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket. Let us remember all our loved ones who have gone to their heavenly reward. Eternal Memory!
The Parish has put together a plan of action to bring our hall to modern standards. Being able to rent the hall out for weddings, christening and various social events will help the parish financially. A fundraising program for the work has begun with the Christmas Bazaar and Christmas caroling program. The program which was begun last year with air conditioning the hall continue with painting the ceiling grid-work, replacing ceiling tiles, sheet-rocking the entire hall, new effect lighting and painting it. Any donations to this modernization project will be greatly appreciated. The checks should be payable to the Church and given to Natalie Chermak of Fr. Iura. Any volunteers who would like to help prepare the hall for painting and sheet-rocking are welcome to sign up. Any questions or volunteering, please contact Fr. Iura or Chris Komondy 860-759-2723.