War Dog: A Ukrainian War Documentary

Saturday, March 15th 2pm at the Willoughby Wallace Library,
146 Thimble Island Road, Branford, CT.

Friday, March 21st 7pm at the Ukrainian Heritage Center​,
5 Commerce Drive, Cromwell, CT.

Saturday, April 5th 1pm at the James Blackstone Librar​,
758 Main Street, Branford, CT​.

Hope that you will be able to attend one of these sessions. Please share information​ (poste​r attached) with friends who might be interested in attending. Admission ​is free​; donations accepted.

The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution, Book Talk with Marci Shore

The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution, Book Talk with Marci Shore

Friday, February 16, 2018 – 12:30pm

The presentation and discussion will take place at Henry R. Luce Hall (LUCE), room 202, 34 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, CT 06511

Discussion with author Marci Shore, associate professor of History at Yale University.

While the world watched the uprising in Ukraine during the winter of 2013-14 as an episode in geopolitics, the author contends, those in that country lived the revolution as an existential transformation: the blurring of night and day, the loss of a sense of time, the sudden disappearance of fear, the imperative to make choices.

In this book, Marci Shore evokes the human face of the Ukrainian Revolution. Grounded in the true stories of activists and soldiers, parents and children, Shore blends a narrative of choices with a historian’s reflections on what revolution is and what it means. She sets her portraits of individual revolutionaries against the past as they understand it — and the future as they hope to make it. In so doing, she strives to provide a lesson about human solidarity in a world where the boundary between reality and fiction is ever more effaced.

Marci Shore, associate professor of History at Yale University. A brief biography of Dr. Shore may be found here.