Venedykt Aleksiychuk new bishop of Chicago eparchy

Today, Pope Francis has appointed as bishop of the eparchy of Saint Nicholas of Chicago of the Ukrainians His Excellency, Bishop Venedykt (Valery) Aleksiychuk, M.S.U., transferring him from the titular see of Germaniciana and the office of auxiliary of the archieparchy of Lviv of the Ukrainians.

In English, the bishop’s name is Benedict.

The 2015 published  statistics indicate that in the Eparchy of St Nicholas there are 11,000 faithful in 47 parishes with 48 diocesan priests and 11 permanent deacons.

Bishop-designate will be the 5th Bishop of St. Nicholas Eparchy, succeeding the Most Rev. Richard Seminack, who died August 16, 2016.

Benedict (Valery) Aleksiychuk was born on 1 January 1968 in the village of Borshchivka, in the region of Rivne, Ukraine. He attended the major seminary of Drohobych and ordained priest on 29 March 1992.

In 1993, Father Benedict Aleksiychuk entered the monastic life in the Monastery of the Holy Dormition (a Lavra of the Studite order) professing first vows on 21 December 1995. Aleksiychuk earned a doctorate in spiritual theology from the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.

Father Benedict served several parishes in Bystrytsia; Belarus, Polock, Vitebsk; and in Canada (1996-1999). He has served as Abbot of the Lavra of Holy Dormition (2000 and re-elected in 2005); member of the commission of the Major Archbishop for Monasticism (2004); and administrator of the parish of St. Nicola Peremyshlany (2004). Since 2007, Father Benedict was head of the secretariat of the Council of Monks of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church; president of the liturgical council and president of the major superiors of male religious institutes of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

On 3 August 2010 Father Benedict Aleksiychuk was elected as auxiliary bishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians and consecrated on 5 September 2010.

May God give many years to Bishop Benedict in the Eparchy of Chicago.

Pentecostals come to full communion

In Arizona, a group of Pentecostal Christians entered the Catholic Church –the Eastern Catholic Church. Here is their story… AND we in New England, in particular, in New Haven, Connecticut, ought to pay close attention….

This is Easter news indeed. Let us pray for our new brothers and sisters in the Faith and for the grace so that we might witness to the beauty of Eastern Catholic Faith.

Parish announcements this week

Dear parishioners and welcomed guests — after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls will be available in the church hall. Please join us for conversation!

1. ROOF REPAIR FUND: We need to repair several roofs on parish buildings. Please make a generous contribution to allow us to repair the leaking roof of the Church Hall and other roof structures adjoining the Church and the Hall. These roofs must be repaired to prevent serious water damage to our property and we cannot pay for them from regular weekly collection. Roof Repair Fund envelope are available in the vestibule of our church for your special sacrificial gift. Thank you for helping to keep our physical structures in good condition for our use today, and for the next generation tomorrow. Thank you for your generosity and stewardship.

2. Panachyda at the Gravesites: The Panachyda Service at the Gravesites will take place on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:00 a.m. at All Saints Cemetery and Sunday, April 23rd at 1:00 p.m. at St. Lawrence Cemetery.

THEN, on Saturday, April 22nd at 8:30 a.m. we will celebrate a Divine Liturgy and Sorokousty.

3. The next meeting of the Ukrainian –American Veteran Bishop John Stock Post 33 of New Haven will be held on Sunday, April 23, 2017. We will begin the meeting immediately following the second Divine Liturgy. The meeting will be held in Classroom 2. For more information, contact the Post Commander Carl Harvey at 203-389-6076 or

4. The district committee of UNA Branches of Connecticut will hold the Annual District Committee Meeting on Saturday, April 22nd in our church hall at 3:30 p.m. Prior to the meeting at 2:00 p.m. Dr. Petrusia Kotlar will do a presentation on “Wellness and Nutrition as a means to Healthy Longevity”. Admission is free and there will be Healthy snack tasting. This is opened to the public, please come and support this event.

5. The Traditional Easter parish “SVIACHENE” will be held on Sunday, April 30, 2017 in the church hall after the Divine Liturgy at 10:30. We will be running raffle. If you would like to donate any items to be raffled please bring them to our church hall on Sundays before “Sviachene” or on Sunday, April 30. Also we ask to donate cakes for desert. Tickets are available through Luba Dubno. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth between 12 and 16. Free for children under 12, students Ridna Shkola and altar boys. We trust that all Parishioners will join in this parish gathering and through their presence attest to cherishing in our hearts a love for one another which builds our PARISH FAMILY.

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

1. Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls will be available in the church hall. Join the community. Welcome!!!

2. Parish Mission II: On Sunday, April 9, we welcome back Father Robert Markovitch who is giving our second Mission in our parish. I would like to see all of our parishioners participate in this Mission in order to prepare themselves spiritually for the upcoming Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3. The Ukrainian National Association, Branch 414-New Haven, will hold their 14th Annual EASTER EGG HUNT TODAY, Palm Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 12 noon on the church grounds. For information contact Gloria Horbaty at (203) 269-5909.

4. The Traditional Easter parish ”SVIACHENE” will be held on April 30, 2017 in the church hall after the Divine Liturgy at 10:30. We will be running raffle. If you would like to donate any items to be raffled please bring them to our church hall on Sundays before “Sviachene” or on Sunday April 30. Also we ask to donate cakes for desert. Tickets are available through Luba Dubno. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth between 12 and 16. Free for children under 12, students Ridna Shkola and altar boys. We trust that all Parishioners will join in this parish gathering and through their presence attest to cherishing in our hearts a love for one another which builds our PARISH FAMILY.

5. PANACHYDA at the GRAVES: The Panachyda Service at the Gravesites will take place on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:00 a.m. at All Saints Cemetery and Sunday, April 23rd at 1:00 p.m. at St. Lawrence Cemetery.

6. SOROKOUSTY: will be celebrated during Lent on All Souls’ Saturday, April 22nd. Please take a book found in the entrance of the church, fill it out. Place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket. Let us remember all our loved ones who have gone to their heavenly reward. Eternal Memory!

7. The Knights of Columbus Blessed Andrey Sheptysky will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, May 1, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the church hall. All men of parish are invited to attend to see what the Knights are all about and what can do for our parish.

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!
1. Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls will be available in the church hall. Join the community. Welcome!!!
2. PYSANKA- Ukrainian Easter Egg Workshop will be held on Sunday, April 2, 2017 in the church hall from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. It is open to youth and adults, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your children and grandchildren to learn their heritage. The workshop is $10.00. Free to parish youth and Ridna Shkola students. For details call Gloria Horbaty (203) 269-5909. This workshop is sponsored by: UNWLA, Branch 108, the Heritage Center and the CT Ukrainian American Historical Society.
3. The Knights of Columbus Blessed Andrey Sheptysky will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, May 1, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the church hall. All men of parish are invited to attend to see what the Knights are all about and what can do for our parish.
4. Our next Pyrohy Saturday Project will be on Saturday, April 8, 2017. We need your help on Friday, April 7, 2017 to peel potatoes AND on Saturday April 8th. Please come and help. Speak with Walter Ushchak for the ways to help.
5. Parish Mission II: On Sunday, April 9, we welcome back Father Robert Markovitch who is giving our second Mission in our parish. I would like to see all of our parishioners participate in this Mission in order to prepare themselves spiritually for the upcoming Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
6. The Ukrainian National Association, Branch 414-New Haven, will hold their 14th Annual EASTER EGG HUNT on Palm Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 12 noon on the church grounds. For information contact Gloria Horbaty at (203) 269-5909.
7. ROOF REPAIR FUND: Please make a generous contribution to allow us to repair the leaking roof of the Church Hall and other roof structures adjoining the Church and the Hall. These roofs must be repaid to prevent serious water damage to our property and we cannot pay for them from regular weekly collection. Roof Repair Fund envelope are available in the vestibule of our church for your special sacrificial gift. Thank you for helping to keep our physical structures in good condition for our use today and for the next generation tomorrow.
8. The Traditional Easter parish ”SVIACHENE” will be held on April 30, 2017 in the church hall after the Divine Liturgy at 10:30. We will be running raffle. If you would like to donate any items to be raffled please bring them to our church hall on Sundays before “Sviachene” or on Sunday April 30. Also we ask to donate cakes for desert. Tickets are available through Luba Dubno. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth between 12 and 16. Free for children under 12, students Ridna Shkola and altar boys. We trust that all Parishioners will join in this parish gathering and through their presence attest to cherishing in our hearts a love for one another which builds our PARISH FAMILY.
9. PANACHYDA at the GRAVES: The Panachyda Service at the Gravesites will take place on Saturday, April 22nd at 11:00 a.m. at All Saints Cemetery and Sunday, April 23rd at 1:00 p.m. at St. Lawrence Cemetery.
10. SOROKOUSTY: will be celebrated during Lent on All Souls’ Saturday April 22nd. Please take a book found in the entrance of the church, fill it out. Place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket. Let us remember all our loved ones who have gone to their heavenly reward. Eternal Memory!
11. All new announcements for upcoming events should be submitted to rectory office before Tuesday of the week prior to when the event is to be posted in the bulletin.
12. We will have frozen pyrohy for sale for as long as our supply lasts. See Walter Ushchak after the Divine Liturgy.
13. SUMA Federal Credit Union, New Haven Branch, 555 George St., New Haven, CT. Business hours: Tuesday 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Phone (203) 785-8805; Fax: (203) 785-8677.
14. A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. This collection will be taken every week. Father Iura will distribute the food to those in need. Thank you for your generosity. Look for Judy Ellis to help.

Parish announcements for the week

Glory to Jesus Christ

Pysanka—Ukrainian Easter Egg Workshop: The workshop will be held on Sunday April 2, 2017 in the church hall from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. It is open to youth and adults, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your children and grandchildren to learn their heritage. Free to parish youth and Ridna Shkola students.

See flyer for details or call Gloria Horbaty (203) 269-5909 for information. Sponsored by: UNWLA,  Branch 108, the Heritage Center and the CT Ukrainian American Historical Society.

The Knights of Columbus Blessed Andrey Sheptysky will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, April 3, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the church hall. All men of parish are invited to attend to see what the Knights are all about and what can do for our parish.

The Ukrainian National Association, Branch 414-New Haven, will hold their 14th Annual EASTER EGG HUNT on Palm Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 12 noon on the church grounds. For information see flyer (at church door) or contact Gloria Horbaty at (203) 269-5909.

Next Pyrohy Project Saturday: April  8, 2017. We need your help also on Friday, April 7, 2017 to peel potatoes. Please come and help. See Walter Ushchak for more information.

Parish Mission II: On Sunday April 9 , we will have Father Robert Markovitch giving a Mission in our parish. I would like to see all of our parishioners participate in this Mission in order to prepare themselves spiritually for the upcoming Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

SOROKOUSTY: will be celebrated during Lent on All Souls’ Saturdays, April 1st and 22nd. Please take a book found in the entrance of the church, fill it out. Place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket. Let us remember all our loved ones who have gone to their heavenly reward. Eternal Memory!

Panachyda at the Gravesites: The Panachyda Service at the Gravesites will take place on Saturday April 22nd at 11:00 a.m. at All Saints Cemetery and April 23rd at 1:00 p.m. at St. Lawrence Cemetery. Saturday April  22nd  at 8:30 a.m. we will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and Sorokousty.

Parish Town Hall meeting scheduled

The parish town hall meeting originally scheduled for March 26th is canceled. It is rescheduled for May 7th. There will be just one (1) Divine Liturgy beginning at 10:00 a.m. and said in English and Ukrainian.

Immediately following the Liturgy, the Annual Parish Meeting will begin in the Church Hall.

Mark your calendar and plan to come.

Parish announcements this week

1. Sorokousty: will be celebrated during Lent on All Souls’ Saturdays, March 18, April 1, June 3. Please take a book found in the entrance of the church, fill it out. Place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket. Let us remember all our loved ones who have gone to their heavenly reward. Eternal Memory!

2. Lenten Parish Mission: On Sunday, March 19 and April 9 , we will have Father Robert Markovitch giving a Mission in our parish. I would like to see all of our parishioners participate in this Mission in order to prepare themselves spiritually for the upcoming Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

3. Pysanka —Ukrainian Easter Egg Workshop —will be held on Sunday, April 2, 2017 in the church hall from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. It is open to youth and adults, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your children and grandchildren to learn their heritage. Free to parish youth and Ridna Shkola students. See flyer for details or call Gloria Horbaty (203)269-5909 for information. Sponsored by: UNWLA,  Branch 108, the Heritage Center and the CT Ukrainian American Historical Society.

4. The Ukrainian National Association, Branch 414, New Haven, will hold their 14th Annual EASTER EGG HUNT on Palm Sunday, April 9, 2017 at 12 noon on the church grounds. For information contact Gloria Horbaty at (203)269-5909.

5. The next meeting of the Ukrainian American Veterans, Bishop John Stock Post 33 of New Haven will be held on Sunday, March 19, 2017. We will begin the meeting immediately after the second Divine Liturgy. The meeting ill be held in Classroom 2. For more information, contact the Post Commander Carl Harvey at (203) 389-6076 or

6. Our next Pyrohy Saturday will be on Saturday, March 18, 2017. We need your help also on Friday 17 to peel potatoes. Please come and help.  See Walter Ushchak for more information.

7. Sales: cabbage with sausage for $10.00 per container, stew with meat and mushrooms for $8.00, pierogies in bags for $12.00 or in container for $5.00.

Annual Clergy Retreat 2017

Clergy retreat Wappingers Falls, NY Mar 1 2017During the first week of the Great Fast clergy of the Stamford Eparchy attended their annual clergy retreat at Mt. Alvernia Retreat Center in Wappingers Falls, NY.

This year’s retreat master was Father Ihor Boyko, S.T.D., Rector of Holy Spirit Seminary in Lviv, Ukraine.