Study the Nicene Creed

Studying the Nicene Creed is a great way of knowing and living more deeply our Catholic Faith.

Here is a free course of study on the Nicene Creed with Fr. David Anderson and the Institute of Catholic Culture (ICC). The course is offered at no charge.

More information.

THE WAY OF THE PILGRIM: Entering Into the Jesus Prayer

Do you struggle to follow the Apostle Paul’s exhortation to “pray always”? For most of us living and working in the world, it can be difficult to let our prayer and participation in the liturgy permeate our entire lives and transform our hearts.

God invites us to persevere, and He has blessed the Church with many holy teachers and spiritual traditions to help us draw closer to Him.

In this Tuesday’s live webinar, discover the meaning and power of a centuries-old traditional prayer that has helped many devout Christians throughout the ages broaden their view of prayer and incorporate it more deeply into their lives.

THE WAY OF THE PILGRIM: Entering Into the Jesus Prayer
Tuesday, August 23
8:00 pm ET / Pre-class discussion 30 minutes prior

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