Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 7/2, 5th Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Romans 10:1-10
Gospel: Matthew 8:28-9:1, Tone 4

Monday, 7/3, Holy Martyr Hyacinth
9:00 a.m. +Fernando Velez requested by the Rios Family

Tuesday, 7/4, Our Father Andrew
9:00 a.m. No particular intentioned scheduled for the Liturgy

Wednesday, 7/5, Our Venerable Father Athanasius
9:00 a.m. +Jairo Rios requested by the Rios Family

Thursday, 7/6, Our Venerable Father Sisoes the Great
9:00 a.m. +Marino Rios requested by the Rios Family

Friday, 7/7, Our Venerable Father Thomas and Acacius
9:00 a.m. +Theodor and Maria Kuchnij (Pan.) requested by the Jaroslaw Paluha

Saturday, 7/8, Holy Great Martyr Procopius
9:00 a.m. +Paul Paluha (Pan.) requested by Jaroslaw Paluha

Sunday, 7/9, 6th Sunday after Pentecost
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Romans 12:6-14
Gospel: Matthew 9:1-8, Tone 5

Parish announcements

Christ is risen!

This week vigil light is offered by Barbara Schwartz in memory of David Schwartz.

From July 2 until September 10 we will celebrate only one (1) Divine Liturgy in both languages at 10:00 a.m.

If you would like to have a Confession, Holy Communion or prayer of the sick at your house or nursing home, please call the rectory at 203-865-0388.

Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, a social hour with coffee and hard rolls and assorted snacks are available in the church hall. Please feel free to join us.

STAMFORD CHARITIES APPEAL REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.

69th ANNUAL HOLY DORMITION PILGRIMAGE will be held on August 12-13 at the motherhouse of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Sloatsburg. This year’s theme is “Mary, Mother of God, watch over us and our beloved Nations with your noble protection!” The Sisters invite all our parishioners to attend! For information call: 845-753-2840 or www.ssmi-us.org

Our parish community feeds the poor and the needy. A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. Please give generously new items within the expiration date. These items will be given out to the poor in our community. Thank you for your generosity and support.

The Knights of Columbus Local Parish Council is looking for a few good men to join. They are the only active men’s group at the Parish and as you can see from last week’s Mother’s Day Luncheon which they Funded and Hosted, (as an example) they are a vibrant fun group of like-minded Catholic Gentlemen who have the best interests of the Parish at heart. Please feel free to contact Father Iura, Hank Lindgren, Myron Melnyk, Carl Harvey, Paul Zalonski or Andy Bamber with any questions that you may have. The Knights of Columbus is the Largest Men’s Catholic Organization in the world and it has great Insurance and Investment opportunities that are tailor made for the individual member, These special programs are only available to members.

Jersey Mike’s Fundraiser

Come support the New Haven CT Ukrainian American Humanitarian Aid Fund while you enjoy a “sub above!”

Friday, July 14, 2023, 10 am to 8 pm.

Jersey Mike’s Subs in Cheshire, CT

Jersey Mike’s will donate 20% to our organization if at the time of purchase you mention our fundraiser!

959 South Main Street, Suite B
Cheshire, CT 06410-3418
(203) 651-7111

Parish announcements

Christ is among us!

This week vigil light is offered by Barbara Schwartz in memory of David Schwartz.

Sestretsi will have Corporate Communion TODAY, Sunday, June 25, at 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy and a short meeting after the Divine Liturgy. Please try to attend.

From July 2 until September 10 we will celebrate only one (1) Divine Liturgy in both languages at 10:00 a.m.

The first Ukraine themed entry in the internationally renowned New Haven Festival of Arts and Ideas since its inception in 1996: TODAY, Sunday, June 25, 4-5:30pm. Sacred land: songs and poems of resilience from Ukraine. Choral concert of Ensemble Cherubim, conducted by Marika Kuzma against a background of images from Ukraine. Cooperative Arts & Humanities High School, 177 College St. New Haven. For more details and to purchase tickets as well to contribute to Doctors United for Ukraine (DU4U), a non-profit incorporation of Yale medical professionals delivering aid to Ukraine: Sacred Land: Songs and Poems of Resilience from Ukraine. See also flyer in the vestibule.

STAMFORD CHARITIES APPEAL REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.

69th ANNUAL HOLY DORMITION PILGRIMAGE will be held on August 12-13 at the motherhouse of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Sloatsburg. This year`s theme is “Mary, Mother of God, watch over us and our beloved Nations with your noble protection!”. The Sisters invite all our parishioners to attend! For information call: 845-753-2840 or www.ssmi-us.org

PARISH COFFEE HOUR: Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, a social hour with coffee and hard rolls and assorted snacks are available in the church hall. Please feel free to join us.

DEAR PARISHIONERS: If you would like to have a Confession, Holy Communion or prayer of the sick at your house or nursing home, please call the rectory at (203) 865-0388.

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ

Sunday, 6/18, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost —Father’s Day
8:30 a.m. Moleben to the Mother of God for all Fathers of the Parish requested by Sestretsi
9:00 a.m. +Rosemary and Michael Waselik request by Marion Piggott
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish —Moleben to Jesus Christ

Epistle: Romans 5:1-10
Gospel: Matthew 6:22-34, Tone 2

Monday, 6/19, Holy Apostle Jude
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Ciprian Godenciuc

Tuesday, 6/20, Holy Priest Martyr Methodius
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Liturgy

Wednesday, 6/21, Holy Martyr Julian of Tarsusa
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Liturgy

Thursday, 6/22, Holy Priest Martyr Eusebius
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Liturgy

Friday, 6/23, Holy Martyr Agripina
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Roman Markiw (100 years) requested by Olha Markiw

Saturday, 6/24, Birth of John the Baptist
9:00 a.m. +Anna and Michael Lipcan (Pan.) requested by Barbara and Patrick Bagley

Sunday, 6/25/, 4th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 a.m. +Frances Dmyterko (17th Anniv.) requested by Marion Piggott
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish —Moleben to Jesus Christ

Epistle: Romans 5:1-10
Gospel: Matthew 6-22-34, Tone 2

Parish announcements

Christ is among us!

This week vigil light is offered by Barbara and Patrick Bagley in memory of Anna and Michael Lipcan.

Sestretsi will have Corporate Communion on Sunday, June 24, at 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy and a short meeting after the Divine Liturgy. Please try to attend.

From July 2 until September10, we will celebrate only one (1) Divine Liturgy in both languages at 10:00 a.m.

STAMFORD CHARITIES APPEAL REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.

Parish coffee hour for our parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy with coffee and hard rolls and assorted snacks are available in the church hall. Please feel free to join us.

If you would like to have a Confession, Holy Communion or prayer of the sick at your house or nursing home, please call the rectory at 203-865-0388.

Sharing food with the poor and homeless is an act of Christian charity mandated by our Savior, Jesus Christ. A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. Please give generously new items within the expiration date. These items will be given out to the poor in our community. Thank you for your generosity and support.

The Knights of Columbus Local Parish Council is looking for a few good men to join. They are the only active men’s group at the Parish and as you can see from last week’s Mother’s Day Luncheon which they Funded and Hosted, (as an example) they are a vibrant fun group of like-minded Catholic Gentlemen who have the best interests of the Parish at heart. Please feel free to contact Father Iura, Hank Lindgren, Myron Melnyk, Carl Harvey, Paul Zalonski or Andy Bamber with any questions that you may have. The Knights of Columbus is the Largest Men’s Catholic Organization in the world and it has great Insurance and Investment opportunities that are tailor made for the individual member, These special programs are only available to members.

Saints Peter and Paul Fast 2023

Today, Monday, June 5, we begin the Fast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (ending on June 28). As with all major feasts there’s a period of spiritual preparation through the gestures of prayer, fasting and alms giving; all three deepen our conversion and discipleship with the Lord.

This Apostles’ Fast can be observed in different ways, traditionally it is a Monday-Wednesday-Friday Fast, with a lighter Fast on the other days. This Fast is not compulsory, but optional in the Byzantine Catholic Church.

The Church, in her wisdom, invites us to participate in some way as we prepare for the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Consider doing all or some preparation for the feast of Ss. Peter and Paul.

We have ancient witnesses to doing fast of the holy Apostles, some the sources demonstrate that St. Athanasius the Great is oldest of the advocates of the Apostles’ Fast, and we have the words of St. Ambrose of Milan, St. Leo the Great and Theodoret of Cyrrhus supporting the practice and tradition.

You won’t regret doing the fast, especially if you can do it with others. The fast opens us up to receiving the Gifts of the Holy Spirit!

What is Pentecost?

Pentecost is the fiftieth day, “the last and greatest day of the feast.” In the New Testament, this story is told only in the Acts of the Holy Apostles (Acts 2:1-12). On this day, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in the form , “as of fire” and they were filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:3). From this event, some observations can be made:

– This fulfills the promise made by the risen Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, “And[behold I am sending the promise of my Father upon you; but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

– This was in the upper room, where the risen Lord came to the disciples through locked doors.

– There were twelve apostles, Matthias having been elected to replace the traitor Judas, as “a witness to [Jesus’] resurrection (Acts 1:22).”

– There were about one-hundred and twenty people present. Perhaps this was a symbolic number, for ten people were needed for a prayer group, hence, twelve apostles plus ten people for each apostle. The Spirit comes upon this gathering of communities.

– “As of fire,” the fire indicates the light of faith and the warmth of love.

– By the power of the Holy Spirit, the apostles are transformed from frightened followers to fearless witnesses. To be a Christian means to be a witness to life, to the Resurrection, this can be done only by the grace of God.

– Bystanders from every nation heard the apostles in their own language. The scripture does not tell us that the apostles spoke simultaneously in a variety of languages, but that the listeners heard them in their own language. What we appropriate, then, is the witness of the apostles to the resurrection and faith in Jesus. This is the wellspring of our faith, which we profess always in “one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.”

– Can we accept this witness in our lives without fear?

– Today is seen as the birth of the Church, and the East sees it also as the beginning of ordination.

– Mary, the Mother of the Church, is present.

“We have seen the true light, we have found the true faith, and we worship the undivided Trinity, for the Trinity has saved us.”

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Christ is risen!

Sunday, 5/28, Sunday of Pentecost
9:00 Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish —Moleben to the Mother of God

Epistle: Acts 2:1-11
Gospel: John 7:37-52; 8:12, Tone 7

Monday, 5/29, Feast of the Holy Trinity
9:00 a.m. Special Intention

Tuesday, 5/30, Our Venerable Father Isaac of Dalmatia
9:00 a.m. No particular intention scheduled for today’s Liturgy

Wednesday, 5/31, Holy Apostle Hermes and Martyr Hermeas
9:00 a.m. No particular intention scheduled for today’s Liturgy

Thursday, 6/01, Holy Martyr Justin the Philosopher
9:00 a.m. No particular intention scheduled for today’s Liturgy

Friday, 6/02, Holy Nicephorus
9:00 a.m. No particular intention scheduled for today’s Liturgy

Saturday, 6/03, Holy Martyr Lucilian and Companions
9:00 a.m. No particular intention scheduled for today’s Liturgy

Sunday, 6/04, Sunday of All Saints
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish —Moleben to Jesus Christ

Epistle: Heb. 11:32-12-2a
Gospel: MT 10:32-33, 37-38 and 19:27-30, Tone 8

Parish announcements

Christ is among us!

This week vigil light is offered by Christopher Komondy in memory of Walter Heinrich.

VACATION: From May 10 until June 7, Fr. Iura Godenciuc will be on vacation. In case of emergency you can call Fr. Paul Luniw (860) 583-7588, Fr. Hryhorij Lozinsky (201) 985-5015, Fr. Stepan Yanovski (203) 468-0367 or Fr. Ivan Mazuryk (203) 367-5054.

If you would like to have a Confession, Holy Communion or prayer of the sick at your house or nursing home, please call the rectory at 203-865-0388.

We will be making pyrohy (varenyky) on June 17. We need your help and Friday, June 16 to peel potatoes and Saturday, June 17, to make pyrohy. Please come and help. Please contact Walter Ushchak with any questions or concerns.

KOLIBRI – TANTSI//UKRAINIAN FOLK DANCING for older children, 6 and up, Stephanie Tomaszewsky is the dance instructor and is in partnership with Artistic Director Orlando Pagan. Classes are held every Friday from 6:00 p.m. Any questions will be answered that night. On Sunday, June 4, after the 10:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy, our Ukrainian School of Dance, KOLIBRI, will have their first dance performance around 12:30 p.m. This will be the final class/performance for the season. Classes will resume in mid-September following a summer break. All are invited to see the performance. If you have any questions regarding registration or the dance program please contact Halia Lodynsky 203-494-6278.

RIDNA SHKOLA/UKRAINIAN SCHOOL will have its end of the school year ceremony on Saturday, June 3rd. The Divine Liturgy will start at 10 a.m.  Afterwards in the church hall report cards will be given out and there will be a reception. Classes will resume late September. To our teachers and families, Thank you and enjoy your summer!

The Knights of Columbus local Parish Council is looking for a few good men to join. They are the only active men’s group at the Parish and as you can see from last week’s Mother’s Day luncheon which they funded and hosted, (as an example) they are a vibrant fun group of like-minded Catholic gentlemen who have the best interests of the Parish at heart. Please feel free to contact Father Iura, Hank Lindgren, Myron Melnyk, Carl Harvey, Paul Zalonski or Andy Bamber with any questions that you may have. The Knights of Columbus is the largest men’s Catholic organization in the world and it has great insurance and investment opportunities that are tailor made for the individual member, These special programs are only available to members.