Third Sunday after Pentecost: The Meaning of Mercy

Read: Romans 5:1-10. What does mercy really mean. God reveals himself as mercy. When Moses asks to see God, God responds: “The Lord came down in a cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the name, “Lord.” So the Lord passed before him and proclaimed: The Lord, the Lord, a God gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love and fidelity.”

Read Exodus 34:5-6. Of course, one might point out (in verse 7) that he also punishes the wicked. Yet the overwhelming image of God is that found in Psalm 102: “The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy. His wrath will come to an end; he will not be angry forever. He does not treat us according to our sins nor repay us according to our faults.” Yet people sometimes don’t want free grace. Mercy, they say, is okay, but only to those who show repentance. And so atonement becomes a condition for mercy. This, however, doesn’t seem to be the way St. Paul describes it in this Sunday’s Epistle. He says, “But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). If we are to be imitators of God (Matthew 5:47), mercy and repentance must be for us two different realities. Our vocation is simply to show mercy, as Jesus said, “‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ I did not come to call the righteous but sinners” (Matthew 9:13).  Mercy is without conditions. Mercy, compassion, love and forgiveness are how Christians live. 

The need for repentance is on the part of the ones who are shown mercy. They can either accept it or refuse it, and mercy cannot achieve its fulfillment unless the one receiving it is willing to accept it. This is not for us to decide, but we are in the number of those who receive God’s mercy, and we receive it only when we do not harden our hearts, but love the other as God has loved us.

Meditation by Archpriest David Petras

All Saints of America

The feast of All Saints of Russia was first celebrated in the sixteenth century, but it soon fell into disuse, except by the Old Believers. It was revived at the Council of 1917-1918. Perhaps we would feel that this is a feast of “nationalistic pride,” for indeed, we celebrated the Feast of All Saints last Sunday, and all Christians, in all times and places, are called to holiness, to live in the grace of the Spirit, to work to bring all into union with God. However, perhaps it is also good to remind ourselves that people can be holy in all eras and cultures, and that there are so many saints walking among us in our own nation and times. In recent decades, many feast of the saints of a particular place or culture have been established – All Saints of Mt. Athos, All Saints of England, All Saints of Greece, All Saints of Carpatho-Russia, and so forth.

These feasts have all been established in the Orthodox Church and they commemorate only saints of the Orthodox Communion. However, it has been proposed that one step towards unity would be for us to recognize each other’s saints, to recognize that the Holy Spirit is at work in both our Churches, that the light of Christ in his holy ones shines upon us all, and that we can find God in all places and times.

Today, let us remember all Orthodox and Catholic Saints, and, indeed, any human person who has found God and in whom his saving grace resides.


Alexander Hotovitzky, hieromartyr, Missionary of America
Alexis of Wilkes-Barre, Missionary (left the Catholic Church to return to Orthodoxy)
Herman of Alaska, first missionary to Alaska
Innocent of Alaska, missionary bishop to Alaska
Jacob Netsvetov, native of the Aleutian Islands who became a priest
John Kochurov, first hieromartyr in 1917
John Maximovitch, ROCOR bishop of Shanghai and San Francisco, wonderworker
Juvenaly of Alaska, Protomartyr of America
Nikolaj Velimirović, influential theological writer and a highly gifted orator, rector of St. Tikhon’s Seminary
Peter the Aleut, protomartyr of America
Raphael of Brooklyn, founder of the Antiochian Orthodox Mission in America
Tikhon of Moscow, was bishop of the Aleutians and Alaska, missionary, then Patriarch of Moscow
Varnava Nastić, the New Confessor, born in Gary, Indiana
Mardarije Uskoković, Serbian bishop of North America; founder of St. Sava’s Monastery in Libertyville, Illinois
Sebastian Dabović, first American-born Orthodox priest

Parish announcements this week

Christ is our midst!

WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! New parishioners are always welcomed in our parish. If someone wants to register with our parish please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at (203) 865-0388 or our financial secretary Natalia Chermak.

AFTER DIVINE LITURGY: Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls are available in the church hall.

VIGIL LIGHT: This week vigil light is offered to God by Margaret and Stuart Maybury in memory of +Helen Brezicki.

Rectory office will be closed from Monday June 4th to Thursday June 7th. Father Iura Godenciuc will be away for Clergy Days.

SISTERS SERVANTS OF MARY IMMACULATE invite you to THE 64th HOLY DORMITION PILGRIMAGE on August 11-12, 2018 . Theme “MARY, OUR MODEL OF PRAYER” “Do Whatever He Tells You”, with His BEATITUDE PATRIARCH SVIATOSLAV SHEVCHUK and bishops of the Ukrainian and Byzantine (Ruthenian) Catholic Churches in the United States. 

SPECIAL GUESTS: His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, Sr. Sofija Lebedowicz, SSMI , Superior General.

Our next Pyrohy Project Saturday will be June 16. Please place an order, and come and help. We have great fun. Let others know about our delicious Pyrohy.  Call your order in by Tuesday: Larissa Swartwout 203-248-9767; Anna Smigelski 860-302-2176; Anya Rohmer-Hanson 475-655-2141. You may also email your Pyrohy (pierogi) order: Please include your name, phone number and quantity of Pyrohy.

We have frozen Pyrohy for sale while supplies last. More information can be read here:

KOVBASA: The Knights of Columbus Parish Council have fresh ¾ kovbasa with 1 + (one) pound of fresh cooked cabbage with a vegetable mix. A good meal for two people. Also just vegetable for $7.00. The meals cost $10.00. Please pre-order to ensure that we make enough for everyone. Please call 203-789-9554 only and leave a message with your order.   

NIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: The Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, June 4, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Hall. All men of parish are invited to attend to see what the Knights are all about and what they do and what you can do with them for your parish.

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ

Sunday, 6/03/18 2nd Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy Martyr Lucillianus and Those with Him

9:00 a.m. For people of the parish
and the Moleben to Jesus Christ

10:30 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Brandon and Andrue Aponte requested by the Czabala Family
and Moleben to Jesus Christ

Epistle: Romans 2:10-16
Gospel: Matthew 4:18-23, Tone 1

Monday, 6/04/18 Our Holy Father Metrophanes, Patriarch of Constantinople

Tuesday, 6/05/18 The Holy Priest-Martyr Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyre

Wednesday, 6/06/18 Our Venerable Father Bessarion the Wonderworker and the Venerable Father Hilarion the New

Thursday, 6/07/18 The Holy Priest-Martyr Theodotus of Ancyra

Friday, 6/08/18 The Transfer of the Holy Relics of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyro

Saturday, 6/09/18 Our Holy Father Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria

Sunday, 6/10/18 3rd Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy Priest-Martyr Timothy, Bishop of Prussa

9:00 a.m. For people of the parish
and the Moleben to Jesus Christ

10:30 a.m. Special Intention
and Moleben to Jesus Christ

Epistle: Romans 5:1-10
Gospel: Matthew 6:22-33, Tone 2

Second Sunday after Pentecost

What does it mean to be a saint? Our Lord said, “I am the way, the truth and the life”  (John 14:6). To be a saint, then, means to follow Jesus the Way, the true path to union with God and holiness. To be a saint is not a luxury for the few, but the necessity for all of us who want to know the truth, to live in Christ. In today’s Gospel, Jesus calls Peter and Andrew and John and James, and they IMMEDIATELY follow him. This call is given to us all. We have been meditating on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete et Exsultate – Rejoice and Exalt! 

Today we begin the proclamation of the Gospel of St. Matthew, which we read until the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. This period begins by summoning us to always “keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.” Today we are Simon and Andrew and James and John, hearing the voice of Jesus, “Come, follow me.” Today we hear the Lord calling us calling us to a life like his of caring for others and proclaiming the gospel, if not by words, by our actions and lives. We cannot ignore this call.

Milan Lach as Bishop of Parma Ruthenians

Pope names Bishop Milan Lach, SJ, as the Bishop of Ruthenian Eparchy of Parma

WASHINGTON—Pope Francis has appointed as Bishop of the Ruthenian Eparchy of Parma, the Most Reverend Milan Lach, SJ, who up until now served as apostolic administrator of the Eparchy.

The Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma is the Catholic eparchy governing most Ruthenian Catholics in the mid-western United States. It is headquartered in Parma, Ohio.

The appointment was publicized in Washington, DC, June 1, 2018 by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States.

Bishop Lach, 44, was born in Kežmarok, Slovakia in 1973. In 1992, he was admitted to the Greek-catholic seminary in Prešov and in 1995 entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus in Trnava, Slovakia. He continued his studies at Trnava University and also studied at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, where he obtained a master’s degree from the Eastern Church Sciences and later, a doctorate degree. In 2009, he began working at the Center of Spirituality East – West of Michal Lacko in Košice, Slovakia.

He was ordained a deacon of the Society of Jesus on November 11, 2000 and was ordained a priest on July 1, 2001. He was appointed auxiliary bishop of Prešov and titular bishop of Ostracine on April 19, 2013. He was ordained as auxiliary bishop of Prešov and titular bishop of Ostracine, June 1, 2013. On June 24, 2017, Pope Francis named Bishop Lach as apostolic administrator of the sede vacante (vacant see) of the Epharcy of Parma for the Ruthenians.

The Eparchy of Parma for the Ruthenians was erected February 21, 1969. Currently, the Eparchy of Parma encompasses the geographical area of Ohio (except the eastern border counties), Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. Byzantine Catholics living in those states are members of the local Church of Parma.

Cf. Horizons

Sunday of All Saints

Over the last fifty-some days, we have celebrated the Paschal mystery – the central mystery of our faith, from our Lord’s crucifixion, resurrection, ascension to his sending the Holy Spirit on his followers. This Sunday, after all that has been proclaimed, we add a great “Amen!” “So be it!” This “Amen” will be great only if we make it more than just words but also actions. The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples that they might be witnesses to the Paschal mystery – our Lord’s death and resurrection, and the Greek word for “witness” is “martyr.”

This Sunday was originally called the Sunday of All Martyrs —because those who witnessed to Christ had to be ready to give their lives for him. Many Christians did and still do. This is what it means to be a saint – the readiness to give our lives for the Lord. Therefore the Lord says in today’s Gospel, “Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father” (Matthew 10:32).

We should not seek to be killed for the gospel, but our priorities should be: 1) God; 2) God’s people, the “others” in our lives and 3) ourselves. Being human, and living in an individualistic society, we often reverse these priorities: 1) ourselves, no. 1; 2) others and 3) God, and putting God third is a practical atheism. We often have the misconception that to be a “saint” means only a life of misery and self-denial, but people who put their own pleasure and comfort first usually end up all “messed up.” A saint is really someone who has their life in the right order, and so is full of the joy of the Spirit: “a spirit of wisdom and of understanding, a spirit of counsel and of strength, a spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:2).

Meditation by Archpriest David Petras

Ostap Yednak to speak at Parish

The St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Church community in New Haven welcomes Ostap Yednak, member of the Ukrainian Parliament (Verxovna Rada), who will speak on the current political, economic and security situation in Ukraine as well as the Presidential campaign currently underway.

The conversation will be bilingual and will take place on Sunday, 27 May at 12:00 noon at St. Michael’s church hall, 569 George Street, New Haven.

All are welcome to participate.


Pentecost is the fiftieth day, “the last and greatest day of the feast.” In the New Testament, this story is told only in the Acts of the Holy Apostles (Acts 2:1-12). On this day, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in the form, “as of fire” and they were filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:3) From this event, some observations can be made:

-This fulfills the promise made by the risen Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, “And[behold I am sending the promise of my Father upon you; but stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

-This was in the upper room, where the risen Lord came to the disciples through locked doors.

-There were twelve apostles, Matthias having been elected to replace the traitor Judas, as “a witness to [Jesus’] resurrection (Acts 1:22).”

-There were about one-hundred and twenty people present. Perhaps this was a symbolic number, for ten people were needed for a prayer group, hence, twelve apostles plus ten people for each apostle. The Spirit comes upon this gathering of communities.

-“As of fire,” the fire indicates the light of faith and the warmth of love.

-By the power of the Holy Spirit, the apostles are transformed from frightened followers to fearless witnesses. To be a Christian means to be a witness to life, to the Resurrection, this can be done only by the grace of God.

-Bystanders from every nation heard the apostles in their own language. The scripture does not tell us that the apostles spoke simultaneously in a variety of languages, but that the listeners heard them in their own language. What we appropriate, then, is the witness of the apostles to the resurrection and faith in Jesus. This is the wellspring of our faith, which we profess always in “one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.”

-Can we accept this witness in our lives without fear.

-Today is seen as the birth of the Church, and the East sees it also as the beginning of ordination.

-Mary, the Mother of the Church, is present.

“We have seen the true light, we have found the true faith, and we worship the undivided Trinity, for the Trinity has saved us.”

Parish announcements this week

Christ is risen!

WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! New parishioners are always welcomed in our parish. If someone wants to register with our parish please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at (203) 865-0388 or our financial secretary Natalia Chermak.

VIGIL LIGHT: This week vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Dionizia Brochinsky in memory of +Evdokia Palazij.

AFTER DIVINE LITURGY: Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls are available in the church hall.

Our next Pyrohy Project Saturday will be June 16. Please place an order, and come and help. We have great fun. Let others know about our delicious Pyrohy. Call your order in by Tuesday: Larissa Swartwout 203-248-9767; Anna Smigelski 860-302-2176; Anya Rohmer-Hanson 475-655-2141. You may also email your Pyrohy (pierogi) order: Please include your name, phone number and quantity of Pyrohy.

Ostap Volovymyrovych Yednak unaffiliated member of Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) invites you to an open discussion on current events in Ukraine. Mr. Yednak’s bilingual presentation will be held on Sunday May 27 at 12:00 noon in our church hall.

Revived Soldiers Ukraine presents Charitable concert on June 2, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Place: Ukrainian Catholic Seminary 195 Glenbrook Rd., Stamford, CT 06902. Special Guest: Oksana Mukha. All funds collected will go to support Ukrainian wounded serviceman medical needs. Tickets $30.00 at the door or on Coffee and pastry will be provided.

We have frozen Pyrohy for sale while supplies last. More information can be read here:

KOVBASA: The Knights of Columbus Parish Council have Fresh ¾ kovbasa with 1 + (one) pound of fresh cooked cabbage with a vegetable mix. A good meal for two people. Also just vegetable for $7.00. The meals will cost $10.00. Please pre-order to ensure that we make enough for everyone. Please call 203-789-9554 only and leave a message with your order.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: The Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, June 4, at 7:00 p.m. in the church hall. All men of parish are invited to attend to see what the Knights are all about and what they do and what you can do with them for your parish.