Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 3/16, Second Sunday of Lent –Commemoration of St. Gregory Palamas
9:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
10:30 a.m. +Teodor Czabala requested by Stefan Czumak

Epistle: Hebrews 1:10-2:3
Gospel: Mark 2:1-12, Tone 2

Monday, 3/17, Our Venerable Father Alexis
9:00 a.m. +Teodor Czabala requested by M/M Walter Terela

Tuesday, 3/18, Our Holy Father Cyril
9:00 a.m. +Gregory Levitzky (Pan.) requested by Joseph M. Levitzky

Wednesday, 3/19, Holy Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Jane and Fred Finnigan requested by M/M Joseph Kossar

Thursday, 3/20, Our Venerable Fathers Martyred of St. Sabbas
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Katlin and Al Jones requested by M/M Joseph Kossar

Friday, 3/21, Our Venerable Father James
7:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

Saturday, 3/22, Holy Priest Martyr Basil
9:00 a.m. All deceased of the Parish- Sorokousty

Sunday, 3/23, Third Sunday of Lent —Veneration of the Holy Cross
9:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
10:30 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Fr. Stepan Yanovski requested by Sestretsi
+Roman Lutsiuk -panachyda

Epistle: Hebrews 4:14-5:6
Gospel: Mark 8:34-9:1, Tone 3

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ

Sunday, 3/2, Sunday of the Cheese Fare, Sunday of Forgiveness
9:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
10:30 a.m. +Teodor Czabala requested by Matejko, Larissa and Romchyk Rabarsky

Epistle: Romans 13:11-14-4
Gospel: Matthew 6:4-21, Tone 8

Monday, 3/3, The Holy Martyrs Eutropius and Cleonicus
9:00 a.m. An Aliturgical Day (strict abstinence from meat and dairy products)

Tuesday, 3/4, Our Venerable Father Gerasimus
9:00 a.m. +Teodor Czabala requested by Ann Czebiniak

Wednesday, 3/5, Holy Martyr Conon
9:00 a.m. +Teodor Czabala requested by The Welte Family

Thursday, 3/6, The 42 Martyrs of Ammoria
9:00 a.m. +Joseph Sobko (11th Anniv., Pan.) requested by Maria Sobko

Friday, 3/7, Holy Hieromartyrs Basil and Ephrem
7:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts

Saturday, 3/8, Holy Theophylactus, Bishop of Nicomedia
9:00 a.m. +Teodor Czabala requested by M/M Myron Krajnyk

Sunday, 3/9, First Sunday of Lent
9:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
10:30 a.m. +Teodor Czabala requested by John and Kay Czebiniak

Epistle: Hebrews 11:24-26, 32-12:2
Gospel: John 1:43-51, Tone 1

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ

Sunday, 2/23, Sunday of the Meat Fare
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish —Prayer Service for victims of war in Ukraine

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 8:8-9:2
Gospel: Luke 25:31-46, Tone 7

Monday, 2/24, the Commemoration of the First and Second Finding of the Head of St John the Baptist
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Natalie Chermak requested by the Chermak Family

Tuesday, 2/25, the Holy Patriarch Tarasius
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Fr. Stepan Yanovski and family requested by Anna Salemme

Wednesday, 2/26, the Holy Porphyrius, bishop of Gaza
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing & health for Adrian Lodynsky reuested by Anna Salemme

Thursday, 2/27, the Holy Confessor Procopius
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Liubomyr, Natalie, Stephanie & Melania Chermak

Friday, 2/28, the Holy Confessor Basil
9:00 a.m. +Teodor Czabala requested by Mr and Mrs Victor Czumak

Saturday, 3/1, the Holy and Venerable Martyr Eudokia
9:00 a.m. For all deceased of the Parish -Sorokousty

Sunday, 3/2, Sunday of the Cheese Fare
9:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
10:30 a.m. +Teodor Czabala requested by Matejko, Larissa and Ronchuk Rabarsky

Epistle: Romans 13:11-14-4
Gospel: Matthew 6:4-21, Tone 8

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Christ is born!

Sunday, 1/26, 36th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Fr. Stepan Yanovski
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: 1 Timothy 1:15-17
Gospel: Luke 18:35-43, Tone 3

Monday, 1/27, Our Venerable Father Euthymius the Great
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy scheduled

Tuesday, 1/28, Our Venerable Father Ephrem the Syrian
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy scheduled

Wednesday, 1/29, Translation of the relics of Ignatius
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy scheduled

Thursday, 1/30, The Three Holy Hierarchs
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Olia Markiw and family requested by the Yanovski Family

Friday, 1/31, Holy Cyrus and John
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy scheduled

Saturday, 2/1, Holy Martyr Tryfon
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy scheduled

Sunday, 2/2, Sunday of Zacchaeus—The Presentation of our Lord
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: 1 Timothy 4:9-15; Hebrews 7:7-17
Gospel: Luke 19: 22-40, Tone 4

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Christ is born!

Sunday, 1/19, 35th Sunday after Pentecost
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Colossians 3:12-16
Gospel: Luke 18:18-27, Tone 2

Monday, 1/20, Our Venerable Father Euthymius the Great
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Fr. Stepan Yanovski

Tuesday, 1/21, Our Venerable Maximus the Confessor
9:00 a.m. +Osyp Danko (Pan.)

Wednesday, 1/22, Holy Apostle Timothy and Martyr Anastasius
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Fr. Stepan Yanovski

Thursday, 1/23, Holy Hieromartyr Clement
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 1/24, Our Venerable Mother Xenia of Rome
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for John Bodnar

Saturday, 1/25, Holy Bishop Gregory the Theologian
9:00 a.m. +Teodor Czabala (Pan.) requested by Maria Czabala

Sunday, 1/26, 36th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Fr. Stepan Yanovski
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: 1Timothy 1:15-17
Gospel: Luke 18:35-43, Tone 3

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Christ is born!

Sunday, 1/12, Sunday after Theophany
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Ephesians 4:7-13
Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17, Tone 1

Monday, 1/13, Holy Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, 1/14, Our Fathers Massacred in Sinai
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 1/15, Our Venerable Fathers Paul and John
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 1/16, Venerable Apostle Peter in Chains
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 1/17, Our Venerable Father Anthony the Great
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy

Saturday, 1/18, Our Fathers Athanasius and Cyril
9:00 a.m. No particular intention for the Divine Liturgy

Sunday, 1/19, 35th Sunday after Pentecost
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Colossians 3: 12-16
Gospel: Luke 18: 18-27, Tone 2

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Christ is born!

Sunday, 1/5, Sunday before Theophany -Great Sanctification of Water -Anointing* Myrovann
10:00 a.m. Great Compline (the God with Us service)
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: 2 Timothy 4:5-8
Gospel: Mark 1:1-8, Tone 8

Monday, 1/6, Theophany of the Lord
10:00 a.m. +Paul Paluha requested by Jaroslaw Paluha
7:00 p.m. For the people of the parish

Tuesday, 1/7, Synaxis of the John the Baptist
9:00 a.m. +Theodore and Ellen Paluha requested by Jaroslaw Paluha

Wednesday, 1/8, Our Venerable Father George and the Confessor Emilian
9:00 a.m. +Kyle Paluha requested by Jaroslaw Paluha

Thursday, 1/9/25 Holy Martyr Polyeuctus
9:00 a.m. +Nicholas and Margaret Barraco requested by Jaroslaw Paluha

Friday, 1/10, Holy Father Gregory and Venerable Dometian
9:00 a.m. +Dr. CK and Lori Rha requested by Jaroslaw Paluha

Saturday, 1/11, Our Venerable Theodosius
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Jaroslaw Paluha

Sunday, 1/12, Sunday after Theophany
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Ephesians 4:7-13
Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17, Tone 1

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Christ is born!

Sunday, 12/29, Sunday after Nativity
9:00 a.m. +Joanna Oleschuk requested by Luba Dubno
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Galatians 1:11-19
Gospel: Matthew2:13-23, Tone 7

Monday, 12/30, Holy Martyr Anysia and Venerable Zoticus
9:00 a.m. +Theodore and Maris Kuchnij requested by Jaroslaw Paluha

Tuesday, 12/31, Venerable Melania the Roman
9:00 a.m. +Michael T. Lipcan Sr. (15th Anniv., Pan) requested by Barbara and Patrick Bagley

Wednesday, 1/1/2025 St. Basil the Great and the feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord
10:30 a.m. Lytija and Blessing of Bread
11:00 a.m. For the people of the parish —Anointing*Myrovann

Thursday, 1/2, Pope St. Sylvester and Iuliana, martyr
9:00 a.m. +Vasyl and Daria Perehivskyj requested by Nadia Trojan

Friday, 1/3, Holy Prophet Malachi
9:00 a.m. +Mychajlo Kuchnij requested by Jaroslaw Paluha

Saturday, 1/4, Synaxis of the 70 Holy Apostles
9:00 a.m. +Paraskevia Paluha requested Jaroslaw Paluha

Sunday, 1/5, Sunday BeforeTheophany —Great Sanctification of Water -Anointing* Myrovann
10:00 a.m. Great Compline (The God with Us service of prayer)
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: 2 Timothy 4-8
Gospel: Mark 1:1-8, Tone 8

Christmas Liturgy 2024

A light shall shine upon us this day: for the Lord is born to us: and He shall be called Wonderful, God, the Prince of Peace, the Father of the world to come: of whose reign there shall be no end. The Lord hath reigned, He is clothed with beauty: the Lord is clothed with strength and hath girded Himself.

Wednesday, 12/25, Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ —Anointing-Myronvann
10:00 a.m. Great Compline —the God with Us service of prayer
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Merry Christmas!