Parish announcements

Christ is risen!

On this glorious and most holy day of Resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ sincere wishes to our most reverend Bishop of Stamford, His Excellency, Bishop Paul Chomnycky and all our brothers and sisters living in Ukraine and other countries. In particular I greet all of you my dear parishioners, choir members, altar boys members of church organizations and all who devotedly work for the good of our parish. Greetings to all with best wishes for a happy and joyous holiday.

Fr. Iura Godenciuc and family

This week vigil light is offered by Fr. Iura and Iuliana Godenciuc in memory of Ivan Godenciuc.

The traditional Easter parish “SVIACHENE” will be held on May 1, following the Divine Liturgy. We will celebrate only one (1) Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. We will be running a raffle. If you would like to donate any items to be raffled, please bring them to our church hall on Sundays before our “Sviachene” on Sunday, May 1. Tickets are $25.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth from 12 to 18. Free for altar boys, and under 12. Also we ask you to donate cakes for desert. We trust that all parishioners will join this parish gathering and through their presence attest to cherishing in our hearts a love for one another which builds our PARISH FAMILY.

No tickets at the door.