Parish announcements this week

Once the projects have been determined and prioritized, the group will spend the rest of this “meeting” beginning to work on the first project. The usual time frame for the work sessions will run from 6:30 to about 9:30 p.m. There will be occasions when it is necessary to work later than 9:30 to complete some of the projects.

All parishioners who would like to become part of the team should leave your contact information with Fr. Iura after the Divine Liturgy. Forms for providing your contact information can be found in the vestibule of the church.

Annual Financial Statement: This year the appearance of our Annual Financial Statement is changing. Individual donations listed by envelope number will no longer be printed and the remainder of the statement is being streamlined. The result is a shorter, more concise statement which more closely reflects the statements of the other churches in our diocese.

Individual parishioner donations will be prepared upon request by filling out the form which will accompany the statement.

Fr. Iura and The Finance Committee

SOROKOUSTY will be celebrated on All Souls’ Saturdays: February 23rd, March 16th, March 23rd, March 30th, June 8. Please take a book found in the entrance of the church, fill it out, place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket.

Awakenings —Adult Faith Formation

Honor and glory to the only God, the immortal, invisible, and omniscient King of all the ages, forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Tim 1, 17)

The Freedom of the Creator

God creates freely; nothing limits his creative freedom. God’s creativity is expressed in creation, in bringing forth being from non-being. God calls forth into being that which did not exist, and did not necessarily have to exist. In other words, what God called into existence did not come into being out of any necessity. Holy Scripture does not tell us how the world came to be. Instead, it speaks about the who (the Father), through whom (the Word, the Son), and in whom (the Holy Spirit) God called this world into existence. (Christ Our Pascha, 105)