Parish announcements this week

MOTHER’S DAY BREAKFAST: The parish Traditional Mother’s Day Breakfast will be held on May 13, 2018 after the 9:00 Divine Liturgy (Only One Divine Liturgy) in our church hall. All women of our parish are invited. The breakfast is hosted, sponsored and served by the Knights of Columbus Parish council. We look forward to seeing you.

St. Basil Seminary invites young men ages 14 and older to a Open House that will be held on April 21st, 2018. The theme of this seminary is “COME and SEE”. For more information see the flyers at the entrance or call the rectory 203-865-0388.

ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: We are spearheading an effort to provide Adult Religious Education – Refresher courses to the members of the Parish. The basic plan outline is to provide an English Class after the English Divine Liturgy on Sunday and a Ukrainian class after the Ukrainian Divine Liturgy. The class will be offered once or twice a month. A curriculum is being formulated as we speak. We now turn to you the parishioners to tell us what topics you would like to see covered. We also invite you if you feel you have a topic that you would like to lecture on to bring it to my attention. I look forward to all of your suggestions, Father Iura


St. Gianna Pregnancy Resource Center (180 Sherman Ave., Suite B, New Haven) will host its annual benefit dinner ”Babies in Bloom” on Sunday, April 29 from 1-5 p.m. at Amarante`s Sea Cliff in New Haven. Tickets are $45 and include appetizers, a buffet dinner, desert and soft drinks. Our speaker and honoree, Christian Slattery, is the organizer of the first pregnancy crisis center in NYC. This is the busiest center in NY at this time. Also being honored, is the pro-life Choose Life at Yale(CLAY) organization that founded the Vita et Veritas Conference to bring a bigger message of pro-life to Yale. Reservations may be purchased online at or by sending in a check payable to “St. Gianna Pregnancy Resource Center” and mailed to POBox 8966 New Haven, CT 06532.