Parish announcements this week

17. USE OF THE FACILITIES: As we are improving the physical plant of the property, the question of the proper protocol for reserving time and space has come up. Simply put, Father is the Administrator and responsible for scheduling. So please, if you have a need, a program, an event, a meeting, whatever the case may be, you are required to communicate with Father Iura as to your needs and time. And please try to make it at least a month in advance. There are numerous things and events going on. Every effort is made to put the events as they are planned on the Church calendar which is posted on the website for your convenience. Thank you for your cooperation in making the Parish more user friendly for everyone.

18. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dear parishioners. The information in this bulletin is from you and for you. You comprise the bulletin. If you have items of note, please bring them to our attention so that we can let everyone know.

19. American Russian Citizens Club of Shelton, The Lemko Association of the U.S.A., and The New England Chapter of the Carpato-Rusyn Society invites you a lecture “The Trials and Tribulations of Bishop Soter Stephen Ortynsky by Very Rev. Ivan Kaszczak, PhD, priest of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Eparchy of Stamford and author of the book, Bishop Soter Ortynsky and the Genesis of the Eastern Catholic Churches in America, on Sunday, October 22, from 3-5 p.m., American Russian Citizens’ Club, 330 Howe Avenue, Shelton, CT.


One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Birth (February, 1892)
Centennial Year of Priestly Ordination (September, 1917)
Fiftieth Anniversary of First Pastoral Visit to the United States (summer, 1968)
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Transfer of his Body from Rome to Lviv (August, 1992)


The Ukrainian Museum and Library of Stamford announces the opening of a commemorative exhibit in remembrance of the Patriarch. Open to the public until Thanksgiving Day, 2017. Museum hours: Wednesday thru Friday 1-5 p.m. Saturdays (for group appointments)