Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

1. WELCOME ALL NEW PARISHIONERS! New parishioners are always welcome in our parish. If someone wishes to join, please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at 203 865-0388 or our Financial Secretary Natalie Chermak at 203 468-0367.

2. FOOD DRIVE: Judy Ellis leads the mercy project which provides food items to the needy. A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. This collection will be taken every week. Father Iura will distribute the food to those in need. Thanks for your generous support.

3. ANNUAL STAMFORD CHARITIES APPEAL: REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for the Charities Appeal. Please make your check payable to the Diocese of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THE FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contribution.

4. VETERANS POST 33: TODAY there will be a meeting of the Ukrainian –American Veteran Bishop John Stock Post 33 of New Haven. We will begin the meeting immediately following the second Divine Liturgy. The meeting will be held in Classroom 2. For more information, contact the Post Commander Carl Harvey at 203-389-6076 or

5. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: There will be a Parish Council meeting TODAY at noon after the Liturgy. The main topic of discussion will be the planning of St. Michael’s day and other future events.

6. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dear parishioners. The information in this bulletin is from you and for you. You comprise the bulletin. If you have items of note, please bring them to our attention so that we can let everyone know.

7. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; We are in the process of cleaning, painting and updating the interiors of the Church hall and the Church. Right now we would appreciate volunteers to help with cleaning and painting the walls and rooms in the church hall and the Church. Work crews are being scheduled. Please contact Father Iura with your availability. Your support and help is greatly appreciated and will help preserve the church for the future.