Darkness to Light

Doctors United for Ukraine (DU4U) charity organization from Yale has planned a poetry and music event, “Darkness to Light.”

In collaboration with Marika Kuzma (musician) we are putting an event together on March 11th on Shevchenko’s birthday/death date at 7:30pm at Legacy Theatre in Branford.

Marika will put poetry and music together. Some of the poets will be: Kostenko, Lepky, Shevchenko, Symonenko, etc. this will be recited in English accompanied by music. Should be powerful and uplifting.

We would like to reach out to Ukrainian and American communities. All donations will go to the military hospitals, we need to purchase certain medical equipment for them. It’s very targeted help.

Tickets are free, but reservations are required. We will be accepting donations.

Update on the humanitarian and soldier relief work

This is a brief update on the humanitarian and soldier relief work done in the past year since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The relief work is an initiative of several groups of people: Saint Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Church (New Haven) parishioners, the parish council of the Knights of Columbus, the Ukrainian American Veteran’s Post 33, Ukrainian Women’s League, Choate Rosemary Hall, the University of New Haven’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, and the various KofC councils, the Columbiettes, the Order of Malta of Southeast Connecticut, and parishes, congregations and synagogues. All of the many, many, many friends –new and old who prudently, diligently and sacrificially gave of their time, talent and treasure to be of assistance. Our work is also in collaboration with Father Roman Manulak and his team in  Ukraine.

In raw numbers we have accomplished the following:

  • Cartons shipped: 7,406 pieces with the weight of 119,757 pounds
  • A total value of $5,652,639.00 (approx.)

There is more being planned in the coming weeks to respond to the needs of the people enduring the war and related fallout. We need to collect children’s items, dried  foods, underwear for men and women, and certain medical equipment. Stay tuned for a forthcoming announcement on the collection and packing/shipping dates.


Panel discussion with Timothy Snyder and Konstantin Usov

Professor Timothy Snyder and Deputy Mayor of Kyiv Konstantin Usov will have a discussion moderated by Professor Marci Shore.

The panel is hosted by Ukraine House at Yale and sponsored by Jackson School of Global Affairs and the European Studies Council at the MacMillan Center.

Timothy Snyder is the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University, specializing in the modern history of Central and Eastern Europe, and an ambassador for the UNITED24 platform initiated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Konstantin Usov is the Deputy Mayor of Kyiv who was in the capital during the invasion’s onset and was responsible for all transportation and evacuation of civilians in Kyiv’s vicinity, including Irpin and Bucha.

Marci Shore is an Associate Professor of History at Yale University, where she specializes in European cultural and intellectual history. Professor Shore is the author of The Ukrainian Night: An Intimate History of Revolution and The Taste of Ashes: The Afterlife of Totalitarianism.

Service of Prayer on the First Anniversary of the Ukrainian War

On Friday, February 24, at 6:00 p.m. we will have a service of prayer (Moleben to the Mother of God and Panachyda) commemorating the Ukrainian War. Our Patriarch, His Beatitude, Sviatoslav declared February 24 as Day of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It is important we gather in prayer for those who have sacrificed their lives and those who experience the negative and disastrous effects of the War: physical, psychological and spiritual wounds, poverty, hunger, homelessness. Secure parking across the street from the Church.

St Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Church
569 George Street
New Haven, CT

Bring a friend!

Shipment number 8 goes to Ukraine

Special recognition and thanks to Mykola Blyzniuk and his wife Galynia. Mykola drives the truck on these frenetic shipping days. He sacrifices his entire day as we load the truck, exhibits incredible patience, and then makes the journey to the the shipping site in New Jersey (and returns!) Thank you Mykola!

On Saturday, February 11, a team of people prepared and loaded the truck headed to a port city in New Jersey. Special thanks to Choate Rosemary Hall and to the members of the SAE who devoted their day with us to aid the war efforts.

Volunteers needed Feb. 9

The Ukrainian Relief Project New Haven is VERY grateful to those who volunteered last evening!

We achieved major progress toward Saturday’s goal. There is still work to be done; therefore, we will be meeting tomorrow evening, Thursday, February 9, from 5-7 pm.

The targeted time for beginning Saturday’s work will be finalized tomorrow.

Volunteers needed tonight (Feb. 7)

We will be meeting tonight (Feb. 7) from 5-7 pm to continue the work of packing and cataloguing the what goes in the boxes. Our challenge will be to check and tag the many pieces of durable medical equipment located both in the church hall and basement in preparation for Saturday’s trailer packing event (February 11th @ 8am)!

Depending on our achievements tonight, there may be a need for additional help this coming Thursday evening.

Yesterday, the volunteers found additional medical supplies which will also need to be packed.

The following are the current needs:

1. Dried, high protein souls and breakfast oatmeal. Stuff that you can add hot water, mix and eat. There’s a lot of nutritious foods available that are dried. Look for a good amount of protein.
2. NEW Mens underwear, tee shirts, and tube socks. NEW Men’s pajamas.
3. Diapers for children and for adults. Lots of wounded people.
4. For the wounded: sterile gauze, nitrile gloves, AND stuff that make up a first aid kit.

NEW online platform for donations: https://app.autobooks.co/pay/nhct-ua-ha-fund