New Martyrs of Ukraine feast

Today is the feast of the New Martyrs of Ukraine

Blessed Bishop and Martyr Vasyl Velychkovsky, and companions, pray for us.

Troparion, Tone 7:
O blessed martyrs of Ukraine! * You did not tear apart the integrity of the Body of Christ, * but handed over your bodies to torment: * you did not submit to the flattery of the enemy, nor did you renounce our unity with Peter. * From your earthly homeland of Ukraine, together with the Universal Church, * receive the gracious gift of this ancient hymn: * “O holy martyrs, * you suffered gloriously and have received your crowns; * on our behalf entreat the Lord, ** to have mercy on our souls.”

(4 of those saints are former pupils of the Pontifical Greek College, Rome)

READ this article by our parishioner, John Burger…