Sunday of the man born blind

For if you change from inhumanity to alms giving, you have stretched forth the hand that was withered. If you withdraw from theaters and go to the church, you have cured the lame foot. If you draw back your eyes from a harlot, and a beauty not your own, you have opened them when they were blind. If instead of satanical songs, you have learned spiritual psalms, being dumb, you have spoken. These are the greatest miracles, these the wonderful signs…

– St. John Chrysostom – 4th Century


Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Christ is risen!

Sunday, 5/03, Sunday of the Paralytic Man
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish and for all sick people of corona virus
Moleben to the Mother of God

Epistle: Acts. 9:32-42
Gospel: John 5:1-15, Tone 3

Monday, 5/04, Holy Martyr Pelagia
9:00 a.m. +Olga Mackew (Pan.)

Tuesday, 5/05, Holy Great Martyr Irene
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Stephanie and Melanie requested by the Chermak family

Wednesday, 5/06, Holy and Righteous Job
9:00 a.m. no intention for the liturgy

Thursday, 5/07, Appearance of the Sign of the Cross
9:00 a.m. no intention for the liturgy

Friday, 5/08, Holy Apostle and Evangelist John
9:00 a.m. no intention for the liturgy

Saturday, 5/09, Translation of the Relics of Nicholas
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Donna Aponte requested by Brandon and Andrue Aponte

Sunday, 5/10, Sunday of the Samaritan Women
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish, for all sick people of corona virus and For All Mothers of the Parish
Moleben to the Mother of God – Sestretsi

Epistle: Acts.11:19-26 and 29-30
Gospel: John 4:5-42, Tone 4

Parish announcements

Christ is risen!

This week vigil light is offered to God’s Glory by Halya Lodynsky in memory of Stefan Jurczak.

Asleep in the Lord —Olga Mackew fell asleep in the Lord. Please remember her in your prayers. Eternal Memory!

Every Sunday you can watch the Divine Liturgy (in Ukrainian and English) live on parish Facebook page  and the parish website at 10:00 a.m. The address:  AND

The flower of the month for May is the Lily of the Valley.  Lillies of the Valley suggest humility and happiness.

Prayer intention of Pope Francis, May 2020

We pray that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church.
Through the intercession of St Stephen and St Lawrence, let pray for the deacons and for the Church.

Marking 34 years since Chornobyl

Today, Sunday 26 April 2020, history marks 34 years since the world’s worst nuclear disaster – Chornobyl.

Let us commemorate the victims and honor their memory with prayer.

Eternal memory!
Vichnaya Pamyat!

Olga (Alice) Mackew, 108, asleep in the Lord

We are sad to announce the falling asleep in the Lord of Olga (Alice) Mackew, 108, yesterday morning at Mary Wade Home.

The funeral arrangements are pending.

In your charity, please pray for the intercession of Mary, the Great Mother of God for the eternal rest of Olga and the consolation of her family.

May Olga’s memory be eternal.

Iconography 4 Kids

The Office of Religious Education of the Ruthenian Eparchy of Parma produced a series with Father Marek Visnovsky who will be talking about how icons are made and the symbolism behind each stage of the process – for kids!

Horizons Media produced the video.

Excellent intro, even for adults.