Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Christ is risen!

Sunday, 5/24, Sunday of the Fathers of the First Council
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
Moleben to the Mother of God

Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 20:16-18 and 28-38
Gospel: John 17:1-13, Tone 6

Monday, 5/25, Third Finding of the Head of John the Baptist
9:00 a.m. +Eugenia Dobczansky (Pan.) requested by Christine and Myron Melnyk

Tuesday, 5/26, The Holy Apostle Carpus
9:00 a.m. + Eugene Koziupa requested by Bohdan Sowa

Wednesday, 5/27, The Holy Bishop Martyr Therapont
9:00 a.m. +Allan & Mary Ann Yursha requested by the Chermak family

Thursday, 5/28, the Holy Bishop Nicetas
9:00 a.m. +Stefan Daniw requested by Bohdan Sowa

Friday, 5/29, Our Venerable Martyr Theodosia
9:00 a.m. +Mary Ann Yursha requested Barbara Schwartz

Saturday, 5/30, The Holy Prophet Isaac
9:00 a.m. +Stefan Brochinsky requested by Bohdan Sowa
9:30 a.m. Sorokousty

Sunday, 05/31, Pentecost Sunday —the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
Moleben to the Mother of God

Epistle: Acts of the Apostles 2:1-11
Gospel: John 7:37-52 and 8:12, Tone 7

Parish announcements

Christ is risen!

This week vigil light is offered to God by Emilia Iwaniw in memory of Orest Dubno.

Every Sunday you can watch live on parish Facebook at 10:00 Divine Liturgy in both languages Ukrainian and English. The Liturgy is posted HERE on the parish website. On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stmichaelnewhaven

The Panachyda Service at the gravesites will take place on Saturday, May 30th at 11:00 a.m. at All Saints Cemetery and May 31st at 1:00 p.m. at St. Lawrence Cemetery. Please call the rectory office for appointment. For Panachyda Service at other cemeteries please call the rectory.

Thank you to all of our parishioners who continue to mail in their donations to St. Michael’s Church. Your support and generosity during this difficult time is enabling our church to meet its obligations, our mission and our budget.

Ascension of the Lord 2020

The mystery of the incarnation is not simply a historical commemoration. It is entering into the reality of God sharing our bodiliness. For in Jesus, God becomes a human being that we might share in his divinity. This is the deeper meaning of Christ’s birth — a process that is continued through his life, ministry, passion, death, resurrection and ascension. Ultimately Jesus brings the whole of creation with him when he ascends to the Father. He ‘ascends’ so that he can be universally present — indeed omnipresent — through the very matter that seemingly hides his presence.

New Skete Monastery

Bishop Paul celebrates his birth

Today (May 19th), our Bishop Paul Chomnycky, OSBM, the Eparch of Stamford, celebrates his birthday.

Bishop was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He entered the novitiate of the Order of St. Basil the Great, the Basilian Monastery in Glen Cove, New York, in November 1982 and professed final vows in Rome on January 1, 1988, ordained to the priesthood on October 1, 1988. He was appointed Exarch for Ukrainian Catholics in Great Britain on April 5, 2002 and ordained bishop on June 11, 2002 by His Beatitude, Lubomyr Cardinal Husar and installed as fourth Eparch of Stamford, February 20, 2006.

Happy birthday, Bishop Paul! Many blessings!

Mary Ann Yursha fell asleep in the Lord

We are sad to announce that Mary Ann (Herceg) Yursha, 82, of Wallingford, died Wednesday, May 13, 2020.

Due to the COVID 19 health crisis, Mary Ann’s family will have a private family service at The Wallingford Funeral Home. Interment in the State Veterans’ Cemetery in Middletown will be private.

Mary Ann’s obituary may be read here.

In Christian Charity, please offer a prayer for the peaceful repose of the soul of Mary Ann, and for the consolation of her children Ann E. and Paul Lehr, Mary L. Johnston and Hans Hanson, and Juliann M. and Neil Bukowski as well her grandchildren.

May the Holy Theotokos and Saint Michael the Archangel assist Mary Ann.

Eternal Memory.

Iconography of the Mother of God presented

Today,May 7, a presentation on the Iconography of the Mother of God was given as part of the Knights of Columbus Museum’s webinar series.

The presenter, Marek Czarnecki, is a well skilled in iconography. He lives in Meriden, CT.

Scholars have classified over 600 distinct prototypes for icons of the Mother of God. How can this multiplicity point to only one source, the first century Miryam of Nazareth? The first Christians responded to her intuitively with the earliest catacomb frescoes. The early church validated her importance with biographical icons narrating her participation in the life of Christ. Icons representing her solely with the Christ child expressed formal Marian dogma, beginning with her title as Mother of God. As Intercessor, her icons catalogued every possible human need. Other icons commemorated the sites of miracles or apparitions, while new prototypes continue to be revealed and painted into the present.

Moving toward Pentecost

Today, May 6, in the Byzantine Church following the Gregorian calendar, it is the feast of half-Pentecost (half of the Pascal Time). Now is the time to think about what gift of the Holy Spirit you are going to ask for (there are 7).

Let’s attend to the Gospel text of today (John 7: 14-30):

verse: 14: We were already in the middle of the week of the feast when Jesus went up to the Temple; and there he was teaching.

verse 15: The Jews were astonished and said, “How is he educated without studying?”

verse 16: Jesus answered them, ” My teaching is not from me, but from Him who sent me.

verse 17: Does anyone want to do the will of God, he will know if this teaching comes from God, or if I speak on my own initiative.”

In the midst of the feast, bless my soul thirsty from the waters of piety, / for, O Savior, You have claimed to all: / He who is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. // Source of our life, O Christ God, glory to you.

In the midst of the feast required by law, / Creator and master of all things, / You said to those who stood by you: / Come and tap the water of immortality. / Therefore we stand before you and say with faith: / Grant us your compassion, O Christ God, // For You are the source of our life.

Thomas Sunday

“The tomb being sealed (Ἐσφραγισμένου τοῦ μνήματος / Запечатану гробу), as Life, You shone forth, O Christ God; / And the doors being shut (καὶ τῶν θυρῶν κεκλεισμένων / и дверем заключенным), You came before the disciples, O Resurrection of all, / Renewing in us, through them, an upright spirit, // By the greatness of Your mercy!” (Troparion-hymn of Thomas Sunday)

One week after His resurrection, when Thomas was with the rest of the disciples, “Jesus came, the doors being shut (τῶν θυρῶν κεκλεισμένων), and stood in their midst, and said, ‘Peace to you!’” (Jn 20: 26) – Just as He did one week earlier (Jn 20: 19), despite their preceding lack of faith and fears, which had “shut the doors” not only of their house, but of their hearts and minds.

That’s how our Lord works: He “comes” to those of us who have love for Him, but lack faith in Him, “renewing” in us “an upright spirit.” So let us gather together today, even if our faith is weakened by our various fears, and let Him “renew” in us His Holy Spirit, as only He can. Lord, glory be to You!

Meditation by Sr. Vassa, 2019
