Eastern liturgies online

Here is a link to various Eastern liturgies, Catholic and Orthodox, in the USA and Europe. There is also a button for the Deaf community.



This coming Sunday, the fourth of Lent, the Eastern Churches will commemorate St John of the Ladder (Climacus)(c579-649) monk and abbot of Mount Sinai and author of “The Ladder of Divine Ascent”, 30 stages rising through attention and humility into love and union with God.

Need food or groceries?

For those parishioners in need of food or other groceries, Father Iura is offering to purchase. We are looking to respond to this need for our parish elderly and shut-ins need.

St. Michael’s open for prayer

St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church open for prayer
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, regular Sunday Divine Liturgies are cancelled until further notice.
Thank you for your understanding.
The Church is open for private prayers
Daily 9:30 AM-10:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM -12:00 AM
or for
Confession & Holy Communion
Call Father Iura (203) 865-0388
Let us keep each other prayer, especially our medical professionals and those who have died and those who are living with virus.

Українські єпископи США на COVID-19

Звернення єпископів Української Католицької Церкви у Сполучених Штатах Америки з приводу пандемії вірусу COVID-19

“Усе що ви зробили зробили одному з Моїх братів найменших – ви Мені зробили”. (Мт. 25,40)

Дорогі священнослужителі, монахи і монахині та вірні!