New Haven’s Sviachene 2021

On Sunday, April 18, 2021, our Parish gathered to pray the Divine Liturgy and then to enjoy a good meal and friendship. The Sviachene was a beautiful time together. We welcomed many new friends to dinner. Blessed be God!

Sunday of the Paralytic

Can you feel it? Can you notice the warmth of the Holy Spirit? We are moving toward the great feast Pentecost. You can feel the dramatic intensity of the praying Church getting ready for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In preparation for receiving the Holy Spirit the Church gives us this weekend the gift of the Sunday of the Paralytic.

St George

“You were true to your name, O warrior George, * for you took the cross of Christ upon your shoulders. * You ploughed well the land made barren by the deceits of the devil; * you rooted out the weeds of idol worship * and planted the vine of the true faith. * Therefore, your healing overflows to the faithful throughout the whole world, * and you have shown yourself to be the righteous gardener of the Trinity. * Pray for peace in the world and salvation for our souls.”

Sunday of Myrrh-bearing Women –resources

Three weeks ago we celebrated Pascha. Now we are at the Second Sunday after Easter (April 18, 2021) — the Sunday of the Myrrh-bearing Women. These women pour the oil of our salvation over the bodies of those who belong to Christ Jesus; the oil announces LIFE. Who are these women? Do you know who we are talking about? Scripture reveals to us the names of the women, each with a personal history and each with a mission (like us). They are Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jose, Mary, the mother of James, and Salome. Plus, we have Joseph of Arimathea. Each person here is essential for making the Risen Lord known and loved and followed.