Parish Announcements

Christ is in our midst!

This week vigil light is offered by Halia Lodynsky and family in memory of Valentina Kulish Jurczak.

If you would like to have a Confession, Holy Communion or prayer of the sick at your house or nursing home, please call the rectory at 203-865-0388.

Sestretsi will have Corporate Communion and a short meeting TODAY, March 12, after the 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy.

We will be making pyrohy (varenyky) on April 1, We need your help on Friday, March 31 to peel potatoes and Saturday, April 1, to make Pyrohy. Please come and help.

On Sunday, March 19, Fr. Jonathan Kalisch, O.P. will have a Mission in our Parish. He is going to be in confessional during the Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m. at 10:30 a.m.

The Panakhyda Service at the Gravesites will take place on Saturday, April 15, at 11:00 a.m. at All Saints Cemetery and Sunday, April 16, at 1:00 p.m. at St. Lawrence Cemetery. Please call the rectory office for appointment.

SOROKOUSTY will be celebrated in All Souls’ Saturdays, March 18 and May 27. Please take a book found at the entrance of the church, fill it out, place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket. Let us remember all our loved ones who have gone to their heavenly reward. Eternal Memory!

PYSANKA —Ukrainian Easter Egg Workshop will be held on Sunday, March 26, in the church hall from 1:00 to 3:30 pm. It is open to youth and adults, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Bring your children and grandchildren to learn their beautiful heritage. Free to parish youth and Ridna Shkola students. Charge for class is $10 to others. For more information call Gloria Horbaty at 203-269-5909.

The traditional Easter parish “SVIACHENE” will be held on April 23, following the Divine Liturgy. We will celebrate only one (1) Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. We will be running a raffle. If you would like to donate any items to be raffled, please bring them to our church hall on Sundays before our “Sviachene” or on Sunday, April 23. Tickets are $30.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth from 12 to 18. Free for altar boys, and under 12. Also we ask you to donate cakes for desert. We trust that all parishioners will join this parish gathering and through their presence attest to cherishing in our hearts a love for one another which builds our PARISH FAMILY. We will not sell tickets at the door.

A conversation with Ukrainian women held prisoners

This past week, the New Haven Register featured information about an upcoming Branford talk featuring two Ukrainian women who had been imprisoned by the Russians. Lyudmila Huseynova and Anna Olsen will share their captivity experiences. Iryna Solomko Bonenberger who is an award-winning Ukrainian journalist, now an American citizen and correspondent for Ukrainian Service of Voice of America will lead the conversation.

The talk will take place this Monday, March 6th at 6pm in the Blackstone Library Auditorium, 758 Main Street, Branford.

If interested, please register with the Blackstone Library, telephone 203-488-1441.

Second Saturday of All Souls

Today is the 2nd All Souls Saturday. The Divine Liturgy will be offered at 9:00 a.m. Remembering our beloved dead at the Divine Liturgy on these All Souls’ Saturdays is a supreme act of Love and Justice.

At every Divine Liturgy, we saying the profession of the Nicene Creed, “I expect the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.” Our saying that our deceased loved one has “fallen asleep”, is a biblical echoing of the words of Jesus, who said of his friend Lazarus, when he was about to raise him from the tomb after four days: “our friend, Lazarus, is asleep ” (John 11:11).

Finally, one of the spiritual works of mercy is praying for the dead. That is, we ask for the Lord’s continued care for our loved ones. See 2 Maccabees 38-46.


(Attributed to St. John Chrysostom)

O God of all spiritual and corporeal be­ings,
You trampled death, broke the power
of Satan and granted life to the whole world.

Now, O Lord, grant also rest to the soul of
Your departed servant N. in a place of light,
freshness, and peace, where there is no
pain, sorrow, or mourning.

As a gracious God and loving mankind, forgive him (her)
every transgression committed by him (her)
in word, deed, or thought, since there is no
man alive who has not sinned. You alone
are without sin and Your justice is everlast­ing
justice, and Your word is always the truth.

For You are the resurrection, the life and
the rest of Your departed servant N., O
Christ our God, and we render glory to You,
together with Your Eternal Father, and Your
most Holy, gracious, and life-giving Spirit,
now and ever and forever. Amen.

Darkness to Light

Doctors United for Ukraine (DU4U) charity organization from Yale has planned a poetry and music event, “Darkness to Light.”

In collaboration with Marika Kuzma (musician) we are putting an event together on March 11th on Shevchenko’s birthday/death date at 7:30pm at Legacy Theatre in Branford.

Marika will put poetry and music together. Some of the poets will be: Kostenko, Lepky, Shevchenko, Symonenko, etc. this will be recited in English accompanied by music. Should be powerful and uplifting.

We would like to reach out to Ukrainian and American communities. All donations will go to the military hospitals, we need to purchase certain medical equipment for them. It’s very targeted help.

Tickets are free, but reservations are required. We will be accepting donations.

Fr. Iura celebrates 65

Today, we celebrated Father Iura’s 65th birthday. Actually, his birthday was yesterday.

We wish Father Iura abundant blessings and many healthy years. Our prayers and best wishes to him.

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 2/26, First Sunday of Lent
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Eliana
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Hebrew 11:24-26, 32-12:2
Gospel: John 1:43-51, Tone 5

Monday, 2/27, Holy Confessor Procopius
9:00 a.m. +Myroslaw Trojan (Pan.) requested by Nadia Trojan and daughters

Tuesday, 2/28, Our Venerable Father and Confessor Basil
9:00 a.m.

Wednesday, 3/1, Our Venerable Martyr Eudokia
9:00 a.m.

Thursday, 3/2, Holy Bishop Martyr Theodotus
9:00 a.m. +Ivan Lobay (7th Anniv., Pan,.) requested by Maria Lobay

Friday, 3/3, Holy Martyrs Eutropius and Cleonicus
7:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts

Saturday, 3/4, Our Venerable Father Gerasimus
9:00 a.m. All deceased of the Parish (SOROKOUSTY)

Sunday, 3/5, Second Sunday of Lent
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Hebrew 1:10-2:3
Gospel: Mark 2:1-12, Tone 6

Parish announcements

Christ is in our midst!

This week vigil light is offered by Halia Lodynsky and family for God’s blessing and heath for Emilia Iwaniw.

SOROKOUSTY will be celebrated in All Souls’ Saturdays, March 4, 11,18 and May 27. Please take a book found at the entrance of the church, fill it out, place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket. Let us remember all our loved ones who have gone to their heavenly reward. Eternal Memory!

The traditional Easter parish “SVIACHENE” will be held on April 23, following the Divine Liturgy. We will celebrate only one (1) Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. We will be running a raffle. If you would like to donate any items to be raffled, please bring them to our church hall on Sundays before our “Sviachene” or on Sunday May 1. Tickets are $30.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth from 12 to 18. Free for altar boys, and under 12. Also we ask you to donate cakes for desert. We trust that all parishioners will join this parish gathering and through their presence attest to cherishing in our hearts a love for one another which builds our PARISH.FAMILY. We will not sell tickets at the door.

Tantsi/Ukrainian Folk Dancing for older kids,6 and up, stated on Friday, February 10 with Stephanie Tomaszewsky, instructor and in partnership with Artistic Director Orlando Pagan and will be every Friday from 6:00 p.m. Any questions will be answered that night. Please contact Halia Lodynsky by text if you have any questions at 203-494-6278.

FOOD DONATIONS: A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. This collection will be taken twice per month. Father Iura will distribute the food to the Little Sisters of the Poor who have offered to help in the Ukrainian crisis. Thank you for your generosity and your support.

There will be pyrohy (varenyky-pierogis) for sale in the church hall as long as supplies last.