Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

At the end of the reading of St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians today, St. Paul says, “The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

On this coming Tuesday, we celebrate the feast of the Procession of the Holy Cross (August 1). The Synaxarion says, “On this day, it was customary in Constantinople to take the relic of the Precious Cross from the imperial palace and carry it to Haghia Sophia, escorted by a crowd of priests and deacons who censed it along the way.” I suspect that this day was the beginning of a period of preparation for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, to be celebrated in approximately seven weeks. We are asked to look toward the Holy Cross as the center of our Christian life.

In the section of 1 Corinthians immediately the Sunday reading, St. Paul says, “For Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are called, Jews and Greeks alike, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” The Christian faith is a paradox that finds strength in weakness, life in death and wisdom in foolishness. No wonder St. Paul observes today, “For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with the wisdom of human eloquence, so that the cross of Christ might not be emptied of its meaning.” But what does the cross mean for our faith? Obviously, almost none of us will have to die as Christ did, nailed to a cross, though it is possible that some of us will have to surrender our lives for faith in Jesus.

The gospel helps us to understand this. To carry the cross, we must put Jesus first in everything, as our Lord and Savior. It is he who feeds us with the bread of life in the desert of our lives. The multiplication of the loaves is a sign of the eucharist, of Christ giving himself to us, so that we might live in him and him alone. To accept the cross does not mean gratuitous suffering, but the will to live in Christ above all, to be so confirmed in faith that we would lay down our lives for him. The power of the cross, therefore, is not in human eloquence but in the reality of a soul alive in Christ, as St. Paul again proclaimed, “For through the law I died to the law, that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me. (Galatians 2:19-20)” It means, as in today Gospel, imitating the Lord, who “saw the vast crowd, [and] his heart was moved with pity for them, and he cured their sick.”

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 7/30/17    8th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
10:30 a.m. +Michael Curkan (40 days, Pan.) requested by the Family

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
Gospel: Matthew 14:14-22, Tone 7

Monday, 7/31/17    The Holy and Just Eudocimus
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, 8/01/17    The Seven Holy Martyred Maccabees, their mother Solome and their Teacher Eleazar
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 8/02/17    Transfer of the Holy Relics of the First-martyr and Archdeacon Stephen
8:00 a.m.+Ivan and Halyna Lobay requested by Maria Lobay

Thursday, 8/03/17    Our Venerable Father Isaac (406-25), Dalmatus and Faustus
8:00 a.m. +Ivan and Olena Godenciuc (Pan.)

Friday, 8/04/17    The Seven Holy Youths of Ephesus
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Saturday, 8/05/17    Holy Martyr Eusignius
9:00 a.m. +Marianka Romanytch, Bohdan Antonyshyn(Pan.) requested by Maria Antonyshyn, Schiano family

Sunday, 8/06/17    9th Sunday after Pentecost —Transfiguration of Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ

9:00 a.m. +Anna Muryn requested by Michael and Mary Muryn

Blessing of grapes and other fruit

10:30 a.m.  For the people of the parish

Epistle: 2 Peter 1:10:19
Gospel: Matthew 17:1-9, Tone 8

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

1. WELCOME ALL NEW PARISHIONERS! New parishioners are always welcome in our parish. If someone wishes to join, please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at 203 865-0388 or our financial secretary Natalie Chermak at 203-468-0367.

2. AFTER DIVINE LITURGY: Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls are available in the church hall.

3. The vigil light in the sanctuary is burning this week to the Glory of God in memory of Ivan and Olena Godenciuc offered by Iuliana and Fr. Iura Godenciuc.

4. FOOD DRIVE: Judy Ellis leads the mercy project which provides food items to the needy. A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. This collection will be taken every week. Father Iura will distribute the food to those in need. Thanks for your generous support.

5. ROOF REPAIR FUND ROOF, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLEDGES: Please consider the immediate as well as the long term repair capital improvement projects that are being planned, both now and the future and make a generous contribution to allow us to protect our property. The church hall roof which is 34 years old has developed major leaks. Most of the other roofs especially the Sacristy roof has serious problems. These roofs must be repaired to prevent further water damage to our property and we cannot pay for them from regular weekly collection. Roof Repair Fund envelopes as well as the long term pledge forms are available in the vestibule of our church for your special sacrificial gift. Thank you for helping to keep our physical structures in good condition for our use today and for the next generation tomorrow.

6. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Will take place on Monday, August 7, 2017 at 6:00 p.m., In the church hall. Main Topic: Coordinate with the KofC plans for the Independence Day Picnic. Other topics: physical plant improvements, hall rentals. All are invited to attend.

7. Parish Council: (Revised) Natalie Chermak, Nataliya Lyalka, Andrew Bamber, Anna Salemme, Walter Ushchak, Halya Lodynsky, Marybeth Gawron, Christine Melnyk, Myron Melnyk, Maria Antonyshyn,  Michael Muryn,  Carl Harvey.

Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee Supports Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers

The Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee has a long and proud history of serving our diocese and the Ukrainian community in Connecticut. Each year in September the Committee organizes a Ukrainian festival on the Stamford diocesan grounds for thousands of visitors from the East Coast. This year marks the 50th festival which will be held on Sunday, September 10th. All proceeds are donated to various diocesan and Ukrainian community causes.

Recently the Committee made a generous $2000 donation to support wounded Ukrainian soldiers receiving medical treatment in the U.S. To date, 4 Ukrainian soldiers have been treated in Connecticut at various hospitals throughout the state. New Haven’s St. Michael’s parish has worked closely with Revived Soldiers Ukraine (www.rsukraine.org), a non-profit which has helped some 25 soldiers receive treatment  throughout the U.S. Both the Hartford and Bridgeport Ukrainian communities have provided assistance.

New Haven Post 33 of the Ukrainian American Veterans (UAV) is actively engaged in this critical ongoing project for wounded Ukrainian soldiers. Most recently Connecticut UAV chapters, under the direction of State Commander Ihor Rudko, have joined Post 33 and Connecticut’s United States Senator Richard Blumenthal to secure medical care at U.S. military hospitals.

Shown standing before the commemorative plaque of New Haven- area Ukrainian American veterans and presenting  the donation are ( left to right): Michael Muryn, Treasurer of the Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee, Donald Horbaty, Committee General Co-Chairman, Myron Melnyk, UAV Post 33 Welfare Officer, Carl Harvey,  Post Commander, New Haven UAV Post 33, Gloria Horbaty, Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee Corresponding Secretary.

Other Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee  members are: Roman Stanislavskyy, Committee General Co-Chairman; Olena Stanislavskyy, Committee Recording Secretary and Mary Muryn, Committee Raffle Chairman.

by Myron Melnyk

Ss. Boris and Gleb

Today, the Byzantine Church commemorates the holy protomartyrs of the Kievan-Rus’, Boris and Gleb, in baptism named Roman and David. They sit in opposition to the common approach to leadership and power among people.

When Russia’s first Christian prince, St Vladimir, died in 1015, his eldest son, Svyatopolk, attempted to consolidate his own position by eliminating his two half-brothers, Boris and Gleb. When Boris heard of his brother’s plans, he refused to defend himself and faced his death without fear or hatred. His younger brother also accepted his assassination without opposition.

Such murders were typical of the extremes of political struggle for power in a pagan society. Boris and Gleb sincerely believed that the good news of Jesus Christ, so recently preached in their own land, must change all of this. Thus, by their voluntary sacrifice to their brother’s lust for power, they bore witness to the command of Christ to love one another. The impact of their witness deeply affected the character of Russian spirituality.

These saints of the Orthodox faith were recognized by Pope Benedict XIII in 1724.                                                                                                       (NS)

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ

Sunday, 7/23/17   7th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 a.m. +Frances Dmyterko (11th Anniv.) requested by the Family
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish

Epistle: Romans 15:1-7
Gospel: Matthew 9:27-35, Tone 6

Monday, 7/24/17   Holy Martyrs Borys and Hlib
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, 7/25/17   The Dormition of Saint Anna, Mother of the Most Holy God-bearer Theotokos
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 7/26/17   Holy Priest-Martyr Hermolaus and companions
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 7/27/17   Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 7/28/17   Holy Apostles and Deacons Prochor, Nicanor, Timon and Parmenas
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Saturday, 7/29/17   Holy Martyr Callinicus
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Sunday, 7/30/17   8th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 a.m.  For the people of the parish
10:30 a.m. +Michael Curkan (40 days) requested by the Family

Epistle: 1 Cor. 1:10:18
Gospel: Matthew 14:14-22, Tone 7

Parish Organization Representative Contact List

Knights of Columbus Blessed Andrey Sheptytsky Council 16253                        
Hank Lindgren, Grand Knight
E-mail: hankg60@gmail.com
Home Phone: 203-453-5760
Cell Phone: 203-494-5642

Ukrainian American Veterans Bishop John Stock Post 33 New Haven, CT
Carl R. Harvey, Post Commander
E-mail: crharv3841@optimum.net
Home Phone: 203-389-6076

Ridna Shkola/Ukrainian School New Haven, CT
Myron Melnyk, Director
E-mail: mmelnyk@yahoo.com
Home Phone: 203-397-2087

Ukrainian National Women’s League of America Branch 108
Christine Melnyk, President
E-mail: christine.d.melnyk@gmail.com
Home Phone: 203-397-2087

Pyrohy Project
Walter Ushchak, Director
E-mail: WUshchak@att.net
Cell Phone: 203-444-1953

MaryBeth Gawron, President
E-mail: mary.gawron@va.gov
Home Phone: 203-387-6824

Special Events Coordinators
~Natalia Chermak
E-mail: yanovska@yahoo.com
Cell Phone: 201-660-3408

~Volodymyr Dumalskyy
E-mail: dumalskyy@gmail.com
Cell Phone: 203-988-2923

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

1. WELCOME ALL NEW PARISHIONERS! New parishioners are always welcome in our parish. If someone wishes to join, please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at 203 865-0388 or our financial secretary Natalie Chermak at 203-468-0367.

2. The vigil light in the sanctuary is burning this week to the Glory of God in memory of +Michael Curkan offered by Mary Ann and Allan Yursha.

3. AFTER DIVINE LITURGY: Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls are available in the church hall.

4. FOOD DRIVE: Judy Ellis leads the mercy project which provides food items to the needy. A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. This collection will be taken every week. Father Iura will distribute the food to those in need. Thanks for your generous support.

5. ROOF REPAIR FUND ROOF, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLEDGES: Please consider the immediate as well as the long term repair capital improvement projects that are being planned, both now and the future and make a generous contribution to allow us to protect our property. The church hall roof which is 34 years old has developed major leaks. Most of the other roofs especially the Sacristy roof has serious problems. These roofs must be repaired to prevent further water damage to our property and we cannot pay for them from regular weekly collection. Roof Repair Fund envelopes as well as the long term pledge forms are available in the vestibule of our church for your special sacrificial gift. Thank you for helping to keep our physical structures in good condition for our use today and for the next generation tomorrow.

6. PARISH COUNCIL MEETING: Will take place on Monday, August 7, 2017 at 6:00 p.m., In the church hall. Main Topic: Coordinate with the KofC plans for the Independence Day Picnic. Other topics: physical plant improvements, hall rentals. All are invited to attend.

7. Parish Council Members: (Revised) Natalie Chermak, Nataliya Lyalka, Andrew Bamber, Anna Salemme, Walter Ushchak, Halya Lodynsky, Marybeth Gawron, Christine Melnyk, Myron Melnyk, Maria Antonyshyn,  Michael Muryn,  Carl Harvey.

St Macrina

The image of God was truly preserved in you, O Mother, For you took up the Cross and followed Christ. By so doing, you taught us to disregard the flesh, for it passes away, But to care instead for the soul, since it is immortal. Therefore your spirit, O Holy Mother Macrina, rejoices with the Angels! (Trop. 8)

The Byzantine Church commemorates today St. Macrina, recalled as “Our venerable mother, sister of saint Basil, the great.” It has been said that the family is where the seed of sanctity is planted and that saints beget saints. This is true for Macrina and her family: she is a saint among a family of saints. For us, Macrina is a certain guide to a deeper communion with the Most Holy Trinity. Holiness is possible.

Macrina was the older sister of the saints Basil and Gregory. After the early death of her husband, Macrina devoted herself to the education of her younger brothers. It was at this time, also, that she took up the monastic life, and it was due to her influence that her brothers learned the value of the spiritual life and dedication to the service of the Church.

The mother of this remarkable family, St. Emelia, guided a small community of nuns on the family estate in Pontus. Macrina succeeded her mother as the head of the monastery, and in time founded other communities for women.

She spent her last days (she died in 380) with her brother, St. Gregory, the bishop of Nyssa. The funeral oration he said over his sister is a moving testament to the love and esteem not only of a brother, but also one of many who were spiritually enriched by her example. Macrina was buried with her parents.
