Patriarchal Catechetical Commission U.S. Meeting

Ukrainian Catholic Patriarchal Catechetical Commission Meets with U.S. Bishops and Eparchial Representatives in Stamford, CT

By Father John Fields, Archeparchy of Philadelphia

Stamford, CT—The Patriarchal Catechetical Commission of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, under the chairmanship of Bishop Peter Stasiuk, C.Ss.R., Eparchy of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, held a two day meeting here, October 23-24, 2017 with the hierarchs and catechetical representatives of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States. The meeting is one of a series of meetings that the Patriarchal Catechetical Commission is holding throughout the world with eparchial catechetical commissions to assess the present status of catechetical formation and evangelization in the Ukrainian Catholic Church. The findings will be presented at the Patriarchal Synod of Bishops in 2018.

The Monday session began with a welcome address from Metropolitan-Archbishop Stefan Soroka from the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia.

In his remarks, Metropolitan Soroka expressed his optimism for the future of catechetical instruction and formation.

Metropolitan Stefan stated, “We need to inspire new approaches to sharing the faith in life-giving and relevant ways. My hope for this gathering is that we will focus on imaginative ways we can share the excellent catechism material which has recently been developed within our Ukrainian Catholic Church. I am fearful that if we confine ourselves to traditional methods of teaching catechism, the results will continue to be minimal. Can we develop creative ways by which we can entice parents to seek catechism material on various websites? Can we provide for the parents to study the material with their children and then to meet periodically in a group with a catechism teacher or with their parish priest? Can we develop appealing short messages which might raise the interest of young minds and their parents to know more about their faith? Such messages could be shared on websites, facebook, twitter, and other such sites.”

Parishioners working for healthcare for Ukrainian soldiers

Carl Harvey and Myron Melnyk had a meeting last week with Senator Blumenthal who is the person, along with Senator John McCain that drafted this provision and got it passed in the Senate by a vote of 89 to 8. the purpose of the meeting was so that the 2 Ukrainian soldiers could presonally thank him for all that he has done for all of the veterans to get them the treatment that has “made thier life whole again”.

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ

Sunday, 10/29/17 21st Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy Venerable-Martyr Anastasia
9:00 a.m.  Special Intention
10:30 a.m.  For the people of the parish

Epistle: Galatians 2:16-20
Gospel: Luke 8:26-39, Tone 4

Monday, 10/30/17 The Holy Martyrs Zenobius and Zenobia
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, 10/31/17 Blessed Martyr Theodore Romza
9:00 a.m.  +Olha Melnyk (1st Anniv. Pan.) requested by the Melnyk Family

Wednesday, 11/01/17  The Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian
9:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 11/02/17 The Holy Martyr Akindynos
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 11/03/17 The Holy Martyr Acepsimas
9:00 a.m.  +Ivan & Halyna Lobay requested by Maria Lobay

Saturday, 11/04/17 Our Venerable Father Joannicius
9:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Sunday, 11/05/17 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m.  For the people of the parish

Epistle: Galatians 6:11-18
Gospel: Luke 8:41-56, Tone 5

Parish announcements this week

Christ is among us!

1. WELCOME! New parishioners are always welcome in our parish. If someone wishes to join, please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at 203 865-0388 or our Financial Secretary Natalie Chermak at 203 468-0367.

2. AFTER DIVINE LITURGY: Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls are available in the church hall.

3. VIGIL LIGHT: This week vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Anya Myketey in memory of +Dmytro Vitovskyj.

4. FOOD DRIVE: Judy Ellis leads the mercy project which provides food items to the needy. A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. This collection will be taken every week. Father Iura will distribute the food to those in need. Thanks for your support.

5. Sestrichi will have Corporate Communion on Sunday November 5th at the 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy, followed by meeting in the church hall. All are invited to attend.

6. K of C: The Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, November 6, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church Hall. All men of parish are invited to attend to see what the Knights are all about and what they do and what you can do with them for your parish.

7. St. Michael’s Day: St. Michael’s day will be celebrated on November 12. On this day we will have only one (1) Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. After the Divine Liturgy, we will have a dinner and short program. All parishioners are cordially invited to this celebration. Tickets will be available through Luba Dubno. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth between 14-18. Free for students Ridna Shkola, altar boys and for children under 12. We will be running a raffle. If you would like to donate any items to be raffled, please bring them to our church hall on Sundays before our feast day. Also we ask to donate cakes for a desert.

8. ROOF REPAIR FUND ROOF, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLEDGES: Please consider the immediate as well as the long term repair capital improvement projects, roof and physical plant. (i.e., parking lot) that has been planned, both now and for the future and make a generous contribution to allow us to protect our property. The church hall roof which is 34 years old has developed major leaks. We have conducted a temporary patch to the hall roof to give us time to build up a Roof Repair Fund in a restricted account. As well as repairing the various roofs that needed treatment, especially the sacristy roof which had serious problems. These roofs have been repaired and must be maintained to prevent further water damage to our property and we cannot pay for them from regular weekly collection. Roof Repair Fund as well as Capital Improvement Fund envelopes as well as the long term Pledge forms are available in the vestibule of our church for your special sacrificial gift. Thank you for helping to keep our physical structures in good condition for our use today and for the next generation tomorrow.

Holodomor | Ukrainian Genocide

November is the month of commemoration to honor the victims of the 1932-1933 genocide-famine in Ukraine.

A website curating all sorts of events, resources, and reflections on the Holodomor can be found here. This website is work of the U.S. Committee for Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide Awareness 1932-33.

This year it is the 85th Anniversary of this VERY tragic event of human history.

Soter Stephen Ortynsky presented by Father Ivan Kaszcak

Father Ivan Kaszcak, PhD, presenting on Soter Stephen Ortynsky (1866-1916), first bishop of Ukrainian Greek Catholics in the USA beginning when he received jurisdiction on 3 January 1913.

The lecture was sponsored by American Russian Citizens Club of Shelton, The Lemko Association of the U.S.A., and The New England Chapter of the Carpato-Rusyn which took place at the American Russian Citizens’ Club, Shelton, CT.

A Basilian monk, Ortynsky was ordained bishop on 12 May 1907, in St George’s, Lviv. His cathedral in Philadelphia at the time of his ministry was the former St James Episcopal Church; now a new cathedral has been built where the bishop is in repose, under the title of the Immaculate Conception. Ortynsky was the only Eastern Catholic bishop in the Western world at the time.

Father Ivan is a priest of the Stamford Eparchy and pastor of Holy Trinity Ukrainian Church in Kerhonkson, NY. He has made it his mission to teach and publish on historical matters of the Ukrainian Church in the USA.

Father Ivan gave great information but he also reminded us of the importance of one’s humanity. A terrific presentation!!!!

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 10/22/17  20th Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy Wonderworker and Equal-to-the Apostles Abercius
9:00 a.m. +Hryhorij Dubno requested by the Family
10:30 a.m.  For the people of the parish

Epistle: Galatians 1:11:19
Gospel: Luke 16:19-31, Tone 3

Monday, 10/23/17 The Holy Apostle and Brother of the Lord in the Flesh James
5:00 p.m. +Michael, Eudokia, Vladimir (Pan.) requested by Stadnicky family

Tuesday, 10/24/17 The Holy Martyrs Aretas and companions
9:00 a.m. +Michael Kurylo (2nd Anniv. Pan.) requested by Pauline Kurylo

Wednesday, 10/25/17 The Holy Martyrs and Notaries Marcian and Martyrius
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Olga Mackew (105th birthday) requested by Sestrichi

Thursday, 10/26/17 The Holy and Glorious Great-Martyr Demetrius
8:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 10/27/17 The Holy Martyr Nestor
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Antonina Rotko requested by Kateryna Szymkiw

Saturday, 10/28/17 The Holy Martyrs Terentius and Neonila
9:00 a.m. no special intention for the Divine Liturgy

Sunday, 10/29/17 21st Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy Venerable-Martyr Anastasia
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m.  For the people of the parish

Epistle: Galatians 2:16:20
Gospel: Luke 8:26-39, Tone 4

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

1. WELCOME! New parishioners are always welcome in our parish. If someone wishes to join, please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at 203 865-0388 or our Financial Secretary Natalie Chermak at 203 468-0367.

2. AFTER DIVINE LITURGY: Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls are available in the church hall.

3. VIGIL LIGHT: This week vigil light is offered to the glory of God by Michael and Vira Walnycky for God’s blessing and health for all members of their family.

4. FOOD DRIVE: Judy Ellis leads the mercy project which provides food items to the needy. A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. This collection will be taken every week. Father Iura will distribute the food to those in need. Thanks for your support.

5. K of C: The Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will hold its next regular meeting on Monday, November 6, at 7:00 p.m. in the church hall. All men of parish are invited to attend to see what the Knights are all about and what they do and what you can do with them for your parish.

6. St. Michael’s Day: St. Michael’s day will be celebrated on November 12. On this day we will have only one (1) Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. After the Divine Liturgy, we will have a dinner and short program. All parishioners are cordially invited to this celebration. Tickets will be available through Luba Dubno. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth between 14-18. Free for students Ridna Shkola, altar boys and for children under 12. We will be running a raffle. If you would like to donate any items to be raffled, please bring them to our church hall on Sundays before our feast day. Also we ask to donate cakes for a desert.

7. ROOF REPAIR FUND ROOF, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLEDGES: Please consider the immediate as well as the long term repair capital improvement projects, roof and physical plant. (i.e., parking lot) that has been planned, both now and for the future and make a generous contribution to allow us to protect our property. The church hall roof which is 34 years old has developed major leaks. We have conducted a temporary patch to the hall roof to give us time to build up a Roof Repair Fund in a restricted account. As well as repairing the various roofs that needed treatment, especially the sacristy roof which had serious problems. These roofs have been repaired and must be maintained to prevent further water damage to our property and we cannot pay for them from regular weekly collection. Roof Repair Fund as well as Capital Improvement Fund envelopes as well as the long term Pledge forms are available in the vestibule of our church for your special sacrificial gift. Thank you for helping to keep our physical structures in good condition for our use today and for the next generation tomorrow.