Being contemplative

When life gets busy there’s a way that we can doubt the integrity of our work and prayer — how they work together seamlessly. We can feel fragmented and doubt life’s essential unity, tempted to retreat from its challenge in favor of some sort of disincarnate contemplative ideal. But such an ideal seems foreign to the witness of Jesus, the Wisdom of God, who is the contemplative par excellence, and who teaches us that contemplative wisdom is neither detached from everyday life nor artificial. Being contemplative is being consciously connected to reality, all the while being mindful of the sacred presence that pervades each of our activities. From such a gospel perspective “action” and “contemplation” are not rivals, but facets of one reality. (NS)

Praying for the victims on violence –El Paso and Dayton

Given the violence in our cities these days, and the violence recently inflicted in El Paso and Dayton, let us pray for the victims, their families and the first responders. In El Paso 20 killed and 26 injured and in Dayton 9 killed and 27 injured.

Let us pray.

O Lord Jesus Christ, our God, we ask You to accept our heartfelt prayers and forgive us our transgressions.

Remember our enemies, those who hate us and oppress us, and repay them not according to their deeds, but rather give them reason and understanding, according to Your great mercy, so that they may see that evil cannot bring good.

Deliver Your Church and Your faithful people from every evil with Your mighty hand. Help us, O God, for You were crucified and died for the salvation of all. Help us, that among us and in all the world, hatred may be replaced with love, unrest may be replaced with peace, and sorrow may be replaced with happiness, that we have a peaceful life as Your people and live as brothers and sisters with one another.

O Most Holy Mother of God, we turn to you in prayer, because you know a mother’s pain for her Son who suffered and was crucified. Comfort the anguished mothers and fathers suffering for their children who are experiencing attacks, violence and persecution. Preserve us from the hands of evil-doers and save us and them from every evil and sin.

We turn prayerfully also to you, O God-pleasing martyrs, that you who stand before God may pray to Him to preserve and protect our country and our people from injustice, violence, quarrels and disunity. In repentance we confess that we are neither hot nor cold in our zeal for the truth and justice of Your Heavenly Kingdom, because we have abandoned that first love which You had embraced.

O God of peace and love, help us to return to the path to You. Remove not the candlestick of our Church from Your sight, because You are the God of mercy, goodness and the Lover of mankind, and unto You we ascribe glory, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer Intention for August

Pope’s Prayer Intention for August 2019

That families, through their life of prayer and love, become ever more clearly “schools of true human growth.”

Let us be united in prayer.

Familiarity with Sacred Scripture–God’s Word

Are you familiar (at the deepest possible level as able) with sacred Scripture? Daily, it is recommended, to spend time doing lectio divina.

While John Paul is addressing members in consecrated life, the teaching is fitting and prudent for the laity, too.

“As the church’s spiritual tradition teaches, meditation on God’s word, and on the mysteries of Christ in particular, gives rise to fervor in contemplation and the ardor of apostolic activity. Both in contemplative and active religious life, it has always been men and women of prayer, those who truly interpret and put into practice the will of God, who do great works.

“From familiarity with God’s word they draw the light needed for that individual and communal discernment which helps them to seek the ways of the Lord in the signs of the times. In this way they acquire a kind of supernatural intuition which allows them to avoid being conformed to the mentality of this world, but rather to be renewed in their own mind, in order to discern God’s will about what is good, perfect, and pleasing to him (see Romans 12:2).

Saint John Paul II, The Consecrated Life

Pope’s June prayer intention 2019

The June prayer intention by which we join with Pope Francis, is for the The Mode of Life of Priests.

That priests, through the modesty and humility of their lives, commit themselves actively to a solidarity with those who are most poor.

June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus the King. Let us pray for our priests, especially the newly ordained.

Notre Dame of Paris

THE VAULT HELD!!! the fire stayed ABOVE it!! Only a small part of the vault collapsed. The interior seems to be relatively untouched.

Apparently the great rose window is intact, though the two smaller ones (the north and south windows) are probably gone.

French reporter who was allowed into Notre Dame de Paris with President Macron on a brief 5-7 minute tour is saying the inside is largely preserved, with the Altar and the walls intact, even the rows of chairs still in place. There is a massive hole in the roof obviously. The Crown of Thorns and the Cloak of Saint Louis had been removed previously safe.

Pope’s prayer intention for March

For March, the Pope’s prayer intention is:
That Christian communities, especially those who are persecuted, feel that they are close to Christ and have their rights respected.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.