Cheesefare Sunday Liturgy and Luncheon

Christ is in our midst!

As a reminder, tomorrow, Cheesefare Sunday, March 3, there will be only one (1) Divine Liturgy in English and Ukrainian at 10:30 a.m.

This Sunday is known by three titles:

1 – Cheesefare Sunday because it is the last day that we eat dairy until Holy Pascha
2 – Forgiveness Sunday because the Church celebrates Forgiveness Vespers, asking for mutual forgiveness as we enter upon the journey of Great Lent.
3 – Sunday of the Casting out of Adam and Eve because during the Holy Season of Great Lent we live is remembrance of our sins and of death which resulted from the fall of our first parents.

Welcoming Minister Iryna Friz

The luncheon/fundraiser will begin at 12:00 Noon. in St. Michael’s church hall, 569 George St., New Haven. In addition to lunch, a brief concert will be presented. Brief remarks by Minister Iryna Friz will follow. There will be an update on the Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers Project and on the veterans` recent trip to Ukraine. All proceeds will be used to benefit Ukraine’s wouded soldiers and veterans. Tickets are $25.00 per person. Admission for youth under 18 is free.

We invite everyone to this special event. We ask for your support for Ukraine’s wounded heroes.

To reserve your ticket NOW, please contact

    • Fr. Iura Godenciuc at 203-865-0388,
    • Carl Harvey at 203-389-6076
    • Myron Melnyk at 203-397-2087

Gudziak’s Homecoming

George Weigel published today in First Things his essay, “Homecoming,” on Archbishop Borys Gudziak’s recent appointment to be the Metropolitan Archbishop for the Ukrainian Archeparchy in Philadelphia.

Weigel is the author of the well regarded biography of Pope John Paul II. He is Distinguished Senior Fellow of Washington, D.C.’s Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he holds the William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies.

Parish announcement this week

Christ is in our midst!

WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! New parishioners are always welcomed in our parish. If someone wants to register with our parish please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at 203-865-0388 or our financial secretary Natalia Chermak.

VIGIL LIGHT: This week vigil light is offered by Godenciuc family for Special Intention.

STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL will be meet on Monday, March 4, at 6:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Room. All council members, organization representatives and interested parishioners are invited.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: The next meeting of the Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will be held on Monday, March 4, at 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Room. All men of the parish are invited to attend.

THANK YOU to Laura Smith, Anya Rohmer-Hanson and Peter Silva for facilitating the Loaves & Fishes Clothing Drive. Your leadership helped to make this a successful event.

Luncheon/ Fundraiser honoring Iryna Friz, Ukraine’s Minister of Veterans Affairs

Ukrainian American Veterans of Posts 3,14 of Connecticut and Saint Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in New Haven invite everyone to a luncheon/fundraiser honoring Iryna Friz, Ukraine’s Minister of Veterans Affairs to be held on Sunday, March 3rd, in St. Michael’s church hall. Minister Friz will arrive in Connecticut on Saturday, March 2nd to visit the Veterans Hospital in West Haven, the New Haven VETS Center in Orange, and the CT Veterans Home in Rocky Hill. She returns to Ukraine on Monday, March 4th.

On Sunday March 3rd, there will be only one (1) Divine Liturgy beginning at 10:30 a.m. The luncheon/fundraiser will begin at 12:00 Noon. in St. Michael’s church hall, 569 George St., New Haven. In addition to lunch, a brief concert will be presented. Brief remarks by Minister Friz will follow. There will be an update on the Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers Project and on the veterans` recent trip to Ukraine. All proceeds will be used to benefit Ukraine’s wouded soldiers and veterans. Tickets are $25.00 per person. Admission for youth under 18 is free.

Interview with Archbishop Gudziak

To lead by listening to the Lord and my brothers and sisters

Interview with Bishop Borys Gudziak

On February 18, the Holy See announced that Pope Francis, accepting the recommendation of the Synod of Bishops of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), has appointed Bishop Borys Gudziak as Metropolitan and Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia. For the previous six years Bishop Borys was eparch of the Eparchy of St. Volodymyr in Paris, serving the Ukrainian Greek Catholic faithful in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. We asked him to describe his reactions to the nomination, summarize the years of his service in the Paris Eparchy, and articulate his hopes and dreams for a new mission in the land of his birth.

What was your reaction to the decision of the Synod and of the Holy Father nominating you to the Philadelphia Archeparchy?

Allow me to be open with you. The nomination—and everything that it entails—provokes deep thoughts and sentiments. The first is gratitude and first to God.

As I —hopefully—mature as a human being I am increasingly drawn by the mystery of our God in Three Persons. This may be daring—but I want to be in the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit… My central belief is that the Son came into this breathtaking yet often frail human race to be with me and you, even in death, to bring us home to the Father. The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus and our salvation in Christ for me are ever more awesome and inspiring… The guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit give me more hope and joy. I feel the protection of the Mother of God and solidarity of the communion of saints, especially the martyrs. Life in the Lord, who served and suffered, invites me to suffer with and serve gladly those to whom I am called. My desire to give myself fully to God and share His love and friendship with others overflows!

I am grateful to the Holy Father, Pope Francis, to the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav and to the Synod for their confidence and blessing. I am at peace. As a Christian and priest, I try to accept God’s will as expressed by the Church, in this case neither seeking nor resisting this nomination.

Borys Gudziak as new Metropolitan-Archbishop of Philadelphia

Pope Francis Appoints Most Rev. Borys Gudziak as new Metropolitan-Archbishop of the Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia

On Monday, February 18th, 2019, the Vatican Information Service announced that the Holy Father has appointed Most Rev. Borys Gudziak as Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians and Metropolitan for the Ukrainian Catholic Church in USA and thus concurring with the recommendation of the appointment offered by the Synod of Ukrainian Catholic Bishops, which met in September of 2018 in Lviv, Ukraine.

The Archeparchy of Philadelphia was declared by Pope Francis as “sede vacante” following the resignation of Most Rev. Stefan Soroka on April 16, 2018. Most Rev. Andriy Rabiy was named by Pope Francis as the Apostolic Administrator of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia until the appointment of the new Metropolitan-Archbishop.

At the present time Most Rev. Borys Gudziak serves as the eparch of St. Volodymyr the Great Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy, which includes France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg and Switzerland. He is the founder and president of the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv, Ukraine. In addition, Archbishop Borys is the head of Department of External Church Relations of the Ukrainian Catholic Church.

Bishop Andriy Rabiy, Apostolic Administrator, Bishop John Bura, Auxiliary Bishop, clergy, monastic orders and faithful of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia wholeheartedly and joyfully welcome the news and invite everyone to the installation of Most Rev. Borys Gudziak as the seventh Metropolitan-Archbishop for the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, which will take place on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia, PA.

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! New parishioners are always welcomed in our parish. If someone wants to register with our parish please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at (203) 865-0388 or our financial secretary Natalia Chermak.

VIGIL LIGHT: This week vigil light is offered to God’s greater glory by Barbara and Patrick Bagley in memory of Anna Lipcan.

PARISH COFFEE HOUR: Dear parishioners and guests, after each Divine Liturgy, coffee and hard rolls are available in the church hall.

UKRAINIAN AMERICAN VETERANS: The next meeting of the UAV Post 33 will be held today February 10. The meeting will be held in Classroom 2.

There will be ALTAR BOY CONVENTION from February 15 to February 17, at St. Basil Seminary in Stamford, CT. Young men, grades 6-12 are invited to attend. For more information contact rectory office at (203) 865-0388.

Loaves and Fishes: Our parish is joining with other local New Haven churches to provide charitable assistance to those less fortunate persons in our community. During the next week, we are continuing our request for donations of winter clothing (especially men’s clothing) which will be donated to Loaves and Fishes, a New Haven nonprofit charitable organization whose mission is to “share God’s love by providing food, clothing, and community to our neighbors in a safe and welcoming space”. If you can spare any new or gently used winter clothing, please drop your donations off in the church hall by February 17th. Thank you.

Luncheon-Fundraiser honoring Iryna Friz, Ukraine’s Minister of Veterans Affairs Everyone is invited to a luncheon/ fundraiser to be held on Sunday, March 3, organized by Ukrainian American Veterans of Post 33 and 14 and St Michael’s Parish for Iryna Friz, Ukraine’s Minister of Veterans Affairs. Minister Friz will arrive in Connecticut on Saturday, March 2nd to visit the Veterans Hospital in West Haven, the New Haven VETS Center in Orange, and the CT Veterans Home in Rocky Hill. She returns to Ukraine on Monday, March 4th.

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! New parishioners are always welcomed in our parish. If someone wants to register with our parish please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at (203) 865-0388 or our financial secretary Natalia Chermak.

VIGIL LIGHT: This week vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Chris Komondy in memory of all the deceased of family.

If you would like to bless your house fill the form that is in the vestibule, drop it in the collection basket during the Divine liturgy, or call the rectory (203) 865-0388.

The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America Branch 108 New Haven and St. Michael Parish will be preparing a Prosphora, a traditional Ukrainian Christmas meal, on Sunday, January 27, TODAY, after the only one Divine Liturgy at 10:30. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, free for students Ridna Shkola and altar boys. We will be running a raffle. Please donate items for raffle and cakes for desert. Tickets are on sale in the church hall every Sunday after both Divine Liturgies. You can buy tickets from Luba Dubno or members of UWLA Branch 108.

STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL: The next Stewardship Council meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. Monday, February 4, in the Holy Name Room. All council members and organization representatives are invited: Natalie Chermak, Nataliya Lyalka, Andrew Bamber, Anna Salemme, Walter Ushchak, Chris Komondy, Halya Lodynsky, Marybeth Gawron, Christine Melnyk, Myron Melnyk, Maria Antonyshyn,  Mary Muryn, Carl Harvey and Paul Zalonski.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: The next meeting of Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will resume on February 4, 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Room. All men of the parish are invited to attend.

The organizational meeting of the newly formed Facilities Maintenance Team of St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church took place on Friday evening, January 18th. The schedule of work sessions was also established for the entire year so that plans can be developed for doing all the projects and arrangements made for the purchase of required supplies and equipment.

SUMA’s new hours

SUMA Federal Credit Union will now be open on Thursdays 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The hours for Tuesday and Saturday remain the same.

Tuesday 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

555 George Street, New Haven, CT

Phone: 203-785-8805
Fax: 203-785-8677

Prosphora on January 27


Prosphora (Christmas Eve dinner) will take place after Sunday 10:30 Divine Liturgy on January 27.

There will be a delightful performance (Vertep) and kolyada, caroling. Please come and share friendship.

Tickets at the door (or at credit union on Saturday).

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS! New parishioners are always welcomed in our parish. If someone wants to register with our parish please contact Father Iura Godenciuc at (203) 865-0388 or our financial secretary Natalia Chermak.

VIGIL LIGHT: This week vigil light is offered to God’s greater by Paul Zalonski for the intention of the Unity of Christians.

House Blessings: If you would like to bless your house fill the form that is in the vestibule, drop it in the collection basket during the Divine liturgy, or call the rectory (203) 865-0388.

2019 Prosphora Rescheduled: The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America Branch 108 New Haven and St. Michael Parish will be preparing a Prosphora, a traditional Ukrainian Christmas meal, on Sunday January 27, after the only one (1) Divine Liturgy at 10:30. Tickets are $20.00 for adults, free for students Ridna Shkola and altar boys. We will be running a raffle. Please donate items for raffle and cakes for desert. Tickets are on sale in the church hall every Sunday after both Divine Liturgies. You can buy tickets from Luba Dubno or members of UWLA Branch 108. Please buy tickets in advance.

UKRAINIAN AMERICAN VETERANS:The January 20, TODAY meeting of Ukrainian-American veterans has been cancelled.

SOROKOUSTY: will be celebrated on All Souls’ Saturdays, February 23rd , March 16th, March 23rd, March 30th , June 8th. Please take a book found in the entrance of the church, fill it out, place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket.

Awakenings —Adult Faith Formation

Let the word of Christ, rich as it is, dwell in you. In wisdom made perfect, instruct and admonish one another. Sing gratefully to God from your hearts in psalms, hymns, and inspired songs.” Colossians 3: 16

The Freedom of the Creator

God realizes his plan for the creation of the world through his Word: “Let there be light…let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters” (Gen 1:3,6). This creative Word reveals himself in Holy Scripture as the Son of God, begotten of the Father: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation … he is before all things, and in him all things hold together” (Col 1:15-17) (Christ Our Pascha, 104).