Divine Liturgy for Sunday, August 11
There will be one (1) Liturgy on Sunday at 7:30 a.m. in both English and Ukrainian.
Divine Liturgy for Sunday, August 11
There will be one (1) Liturgy on Sunday at 7:30 a.m. in both English and Ukrainian.
Christ is in our midst!
The next meeting of Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will be tomorrow, Monday, August 5, 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Room. All men of the parish are invited to attend.
The Gladiolus is the flower for the month of August and is said to bring luck to people born in this month. This flower derived its name from the Latin word “Gladious” which means sword, given to its sword-shaped leaves.
First Fruits: It is customary to bring a sampling of the first fruits of the harvest to Church to be blessed on the Feast of the Transfiguration. Grapes, apples, pears even bananas and honey will all be blessed at the end of the Divine Liturgy.
Irena and Constiantyn Shkapoied have their birthdays in August. Irena on August 2, Constiantyn on August 20. We invite all of you today, August 4th after the second Divine Liturgy to celebrate their birthday in our backyard under the grapes. Happy Birthday Irena and Constiantyn!
We have for sale frozen borscht for $5.00; cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) for $10.00 and pyrohy (varenyky) in 2 dozen packages for $14.00. You can buy pyrohy after each Divine Liturgy or during the week if you call the rectory.
The ANNUAL HOLY DORMITION PILGRIMAGE will be held on August 10-11 at the motherhouse of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Sloatsburg. This year’s theme is “Responding with the heart as did Mary and Josaphata”. The Sisters invite all our parishioners to attend! For information call: 845-753-2840 or http://www.ssmi-us.org
REMINDER: Please don` t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. The forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. The form along with your contribution, we ask you enclose in the envelope and place it in the collection basket during church services. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.
Christ is in our midst!
This week vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Catherine Kolesnik in memory of all deceased of Kolesnik family.
The next meeting of Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will be held on Monday August 5, 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Room. All men of the parish are invited to attend.
THANK YOU to the Knights of Columbus, Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Council, for your generous donation of 20 new Divine Liturgy Missals to our parish.
We have for sale frozen borscht for $5.00; cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) for $10.00 and pyrohy (varenyky) in 2 dozen packages for $14.00. You can buy pyrohy after each Divine Liturgy or during the week if you call the rectory.
CT STATE UKRAINIAN DAY COMMITTEE will hold its next meeting tomorrow evening, July 29, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be hosted by St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, 135 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford, CT. Refreshments will be served.
The ANNUAL HOLY DORMITION PILGRIMAGE will be held on August 10-11 at the motherhouse of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Sloatsburg. This year’s theme is “Responding with the heart as did Mary and Josaphata”. The Sisters invite all our parishioners to attend! For information call: 845-753-2840 or http://www.ssmi-us.org
The Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee wishes to invite all parishioners to attend this year`s Ukrainian Day Festival to be held on Sunday, September 8, 2019. The Festival will be held on the grounds of St. Basil’s Seminary, 161 Glenbrook Rd., Stamford. Advance general admission tickets are $5.00 per person, 12 and over are available from Luba Dubno. Tickets purchases at the gate will be $10.00 per person. This festival can’t exist if volunteers sign up during the day to help out. Please make that effort to volunteer.
REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. The forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. The form along with your contribution, we ask you enclose in the envelope and place it in the collection basket during church services. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.
Christ is in our midst!
This week vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Catherine Kolesnik in memory of all deceased of Kolesnik family.
Physician-Assisted Suicide Presentation: Brother Columba Thomas, O.P., M.D. will present “Physician-Assisted Suicide as a Threat to Society and Human Persons: What Every Catholic Should Know.” This session will be especially helpful to care-givers, healthcare professionals and all seeking ongoing social justice updates. After the presentation a discussion and refreshments to follow. Tuesday, July 23rd, 7-8 p.m., St Joseph Hall, 129 Edwards Street, New Haven.
The ANNUAL HOLY DORMITION PILGRIMAGE will be held on August 10-11 at the motherhouse of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Sloatsburg. This year’s theme is “Responding with the heart as did Mary and Josaphata”. The Sisters invite all our parishioners to attend! For information call: 845-753-2840 or http://www.ssmi-us.org
We have for sale frozen borscht for $5.00; cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) for $10.00 and pyrohy (varenyky) in 2 dozen packages for $14.00. You can buy pyrohy after each Divine Liturgy or during the week if you call the rectory.
REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. The forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. The form along with your contribution, we ask you enclose in the envelope and place it in the collection basket during church services. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.
The Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee wishes to invite all parishioners to attend this year`s Ukrainian Day Festival to be held on Sunday, September 8, 2019. The Festival will be held on the grounds of St. Basil’s Seminary, 161 Glenbrook Rd., Stamford. Advance general admission tickets are $5.00 per person, 12 and over are available from Luba Dubno. Tickets purchases at the gate will be $10.00 per person. This festival can’t exist if volunteers sign up during the day to help out. Please make that effort to volunteer.
Christ is in our midst!
This week vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Vasyl Ivantsiv memory of Dmytro.
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. Igor Nakonechnyi on the birth of their daughter. May she grow in health and happiness and may she have God’s blessings all of her life.
65th ANNUAL HOLY DORMITION PILGRIMAGE will be held on August 10-11 at the motherhouse of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Sloatsburg. This year’s theme is “Responding with the heart as did Mary and Josaphata”. The Sisters invite all our parishioners to attend! For information call: 845-753-2840 or www.ssmi-us.org
Zenon Luciw fell asleep in the Lord. His Funeral Liturgy was offered this past Thursday. Please remember him in your prayers. Eternal Memory!
We have for sale frozen borscht for $5.00; cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) for $10.00 and pyrohy (varenyky) in 2 dozen packages for $14.00. You can buy pyrohy after each Divine Liturgy or during the week if you call the rectory.
REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. The forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. The form along with your contribution, we ask you enclose in the envelope and place it in the collection basket during church services. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.
The UNWLA New England Region invites everyone to a picnic on July 28th at 12:00 in Southford Falls State Park, Southbury, CT. Food, a short program, games and activities foe children will be offered. A donation of $10.00 is requested and admission for children is free. Please bring your own chairs. The event is in a pavilion and tables are available. Everyone is invited! For further information call Hanya Salemme at 203-934-6520.
The newly formed Facilities Maintenance Team of St. Michael’s schedules of work sessions for the entire year so that plans can be developed for doing all the projects and arrangements made for the purchase of required supplies and equipment. The usual time frame for the work sessions will run from 6:30 to about 9:30 p.m. All parishioners are invited to be a part of the team. Call Fr. Iura with your contact information.
On Saturday, July 6, 2019, Zenon S. Luciw fell asleep in the Lord.
Zenon’s biography February 21, 1941 ~ July 6, 2019
The details of Zenon’s funeral
On July 11, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m., the calling hours will be held with (the Panachyda service at 10:00). Keenan Funeral Home, 330 Notch Hill Rd, North Branford, CT.
At 11:00 a.m., the Funeral Divine Liturgy will be served at St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church.
Let us pray for the peaceful repose of the soul of Zenon Luciw and for the comfort of his family.
May Zenon’s memory be eternal!
Christ is in our midst!
This week vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Chris Komondy in memory of all deceased of Komondy family.
For Panachyda service at other cemeteries please call the rectory 203-865-0388.
We have for sale frozen borscht for $5.00; cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) for $10.00 and pyrohy (varenyky) in 2 dozen packages for $14.00. You can buy pyrohy after each Divine Liturgy or during the week if you call the rectory.
There are no Sestechi meetings scheduled for July and August, as we will be enjoying our summer vacation. The next meeting will be on September 8th.
LARKSPUR is the flower of the month of July and its meaning denotes Fickleness. Larkspur (Delphinium consolida) belongs to the buttercup family —Ranunculaceae. Larkspur flowers are almost as complex as the Orchids. The colorful Larkspur blooms cover a spectrum from white to blue to violet.
65th ANNUAL HOLY DORMITION PILGRIMAGE will be held on August 10-11 at the motherhouse of the Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate in Sloatsburg. This year’s theme is “Responding with the heart as did Mary and Josaphata”. The Sisters invite all our parishioners to attend! For information call: 845-753-2840 or www.ssmi-us.org
REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. The forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. The form along with your contribution, we ask you enclose in the envelope and place it in the collection basket during church services. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.
The newly formed Facilities Maintenance Team of St. Michael’s schedules of work sessions for the entire year so that plans can be developed for doing all the projects and arrangements made for the purchase of required supplies and equipment. The usual time frame for the work sessions will run from 6:30 to about 9:30 p.m. All parishioners are invited to be a part of the team. Call Fr. Iura with your contact information.
Christ is in our midst!
This week vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Chris Komondy in memory of all deceased of the Komondy family.
THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the celebration of my 25th Anniversary of Ordination. Thank you to the clergy, who concelebrated the Divine Liturgy, the choir, our Church Societies and my wonderful parishioners. Also, thank you to all those who worked to make the reception a success. You all helped to make the day a truly memorable occasion, one which I will cherish in my heart forever. Fr. Iura Godenciuc
The next meeting of Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will be held on Monday, July 1st, 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Room. All men of the parish are invited to attend.
PYROHY SCHEDULE CORRECTION: September 7, 2019 will be the rescheduled date for the Stamford Ukrainian Day Festival preparation and September 14th, 2019 will be the rescheduled date for regular parish preparation. There will be many pierogies needed on both dates, so kindly bring a friend. Please mark these dates on your calendar. The pierogi page on the parish website is current. Thank you.
For Panachyda service at other cemeteries please call the rectory 203-865-0388.
We have for sale frozen borscht for $5.00; cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) for $10.00 and pyrohy (varenyky) in 2 dozen packages for $14.00. You can buy pyrohy after each Divine Liturgy or during the week if you call the rectory.
REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. The forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. The form along with your contribution, we ask you enclose in the envelope and place it in the collection basket during church services. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.
Christ is in our midst!
This week the vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Chris Komondy in memory of all deceased members of the family.
On June 23rd, there will be only one (1) Divine Liturgy at 10:30 in both languages English and Ukrainian.
For Panachyda service at other cemeteries, please call the rectory (203) 865-0388.
We have for sale frozen borscht for $5.00; cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) for $10.00 and pyrohy (varenyky) in 2 dozen packages for $14.00. You can buy pyrohy after each Divine Liturgy or during the week if you call the rectory.
REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. The forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. The form along with your contribution, we ask you enclose in the envelope and place it in the collection basket during church services. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.
The newly formed Facilities Maintenance Team of St. Michael’s schedules of work sessions for the entire year so that plans can be developed for doing all the projects and arrangements made for the purchase of required supplies and equipment. The usual time frame for the work sessions will run from 6:30 to about 9:30 p.m. All parishioners are invited to be a part of the team. Call Fr. Iura with your contact information.
Awakenings —Adult Faith Formation: “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him.” (Genesis 1: 27)
Humankind – in the Image and Likeness of God: As the Book of Genesis tells us, God created the human being out of the “dust of the earth” –matter– breathing into us the “breath of life,” by virtue of which the human being becomes a “living being” (Gn 2:7). Holy Scripture portrays the Creator with the image of a potter, who moulds humankind according to his Image from the clay. This Image (see Gn:1:27) is the incarnate Son of God: “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation” (Col 1:15). Humankind is created in the image of the Son. (Christ Our Pascha, 128)
Christ is risen!
Blessed Holy Pentecost!
Fell Asleep in the Lord — Jerry Luciw and Christoforo Schiano. Please remember them in your prayers. Eternal Memory!
This week the vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Chris Komondy in memory of all deceased members of the Komondy family.
The rectory office will be closed from Monday, June 10 until June 13. Fr. Iura Godenciuc will be away for clergy days.
On June 23rd there will be only one (1) Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. in English and Ukrainian.
Helping the poor – a work of charity: The Director of the St. Vincent DePaul Homeless Shelter in Waterbury wrote to us requesting assistance in collecting bath soap, tooth brushes, tooth paste, deodorant, Q-tips, men’s underwear, for the ministry to the homeless. We will have this collection for the poor through TODAY, Pentecost (June 9). These items can be put in the basket at the entrance of the church in the marked box. Paul Zalonski (of our parish) will drive the donations to the Homeless Shelter in Waterbury.
The next Sestrechi meeting will be held TODAY, Sunday, June 9 after the 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy. The meeting will be held in the Church Hall Classroom 1.
The Panachyda service at the gravesites will take place TODAY, June 9 at 12:30 p.m. at St. Lawrence Cemetery. For Panachyda service at other cemeteries please call the rectory 203-865-0388.
We will be making pyrohy on Saturday, June 15. We need your help because will be more orders before vacation (July and August). Please come and help also on Friday, June 14 to peel potatoes and Saturday to make pyrohy. See Walter Ushchak –Manager of the Pyrohy Project.
We have for sale frozen borscht for $5.00; cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) for $10.00 and pyrohy (varenyky) in 2 dozen packages for $14.00. You can buy pyrohy after each Divine Liturgy or during the week if you call the rectory.
REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. The forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. The form along with your contribution, we ask you enclose in the envelope and place it in the collection basket during church services. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.