Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

This week’s vigil light is offered by Nina Baker & family in memory of Natalie Cybriwsky.

The New School Year 2019-2020 (Ridna Shkola) began on Saturday, September 21. Registration is open to all children; if there are any questions please contact Halia Lodynsky at 203-494-6278 for more information. Thank you.

The next meeting of Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will be held on Monday, October 7, 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Room. All men of the parish are invited to attend.

We have for sale frozen pierogies (varenyky): 2 dozen for $14.00. Purchases can be made after each Divine Liturgy.

Pyrohy Project schedule change: making pyrohy on November 16th instead of November 23rd.

The Immaculate Conception Society (Sestretsi) is cordially inviting all St. Michael’s Parishioners and friends to attend its Lasagna Dinner in Memory of Maria Sowa, to be held on Sunday, October 6, 12:00 noon, at our Parish church hall. Come to enjoy good food, desserts and the company of parishioners and friends. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and free admission to those under the age of 12. Please see Christine or Mary Beth Gawron for tickets.

Ukrainian American Veterans will hold our National Convention here in New Haven Thursday October 31st thru Saturday November 2nd. We expect 140 attendees at the convention and we are asking for your help to make this event a success. Please contact Post Commander Carl Harvey for further details and how you can help. Thank you!

St. Michael’s Day will be celebrated on November 24. On this day we will have only One Divine Liturgy at 10:30 a.m. After the Divine Liturgy, we will have a dinner and short program. All parishioners are cordially invited to this celebration. Tickets are available through Miss Luba Dubno. Tickets are $25.00 for adults, $10.00 for youth between 14and 18. Free for students Ridna Shkola, altar boys

SEE SOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING: Dear Parishioners, the physical property of this Parish consists of five separate buildings. These buildings belong to you, take pride in them. If you see something broken or damaged, please pass the information on so that it can be fixed. Tell Father Iura, send an email to the Parish, or drop a note in the collection box at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, so that we can repair/fix what is wrong. Suggestions for improvement are also happily accepted. Thank you.

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

This week’s vigil light is offered by Christopher Komondy in memory of All deceased members of the Komondy Family

September 7th marked the 35th Anniversary of the death of Patriarch Joseph Cardinal Slipyj in 1984. Please pray for the repose of his soul. Eternal memory.

A special Thank you to all the pyrohy workers who donated their time to make pyrohy for the Ukrainian Day Festival, to Luba Dubno for selling the admission and raffle tickets and to Joe Oleschuk for transporting the pyrohy to Stamford. Also thank you to all those who volunteered their time at the festival. Your dedication and hard work contributed to the success of the Ukrainian Day Festival!

The New School Year for Ridna Shkola (2019-2020) will begin on Saturday, September 21. The Divine Liturgy for teachers and students will be at 10:00 am. Please contact Halia Lodynsky at 203-494-6278 for any information. Thank you.

The Immaculate Conception Society (Sestretsi) is cordially inviting all St. Michael’s Parishioners and friends to attend its Lasagna Dinner to be held on Sunday, October 6, 12:00 noon, at our Parish church hall. Come to enjoy good food, deserts and the company of parishioners and friends. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and free admission to those under the age of 12. Tickets sellers will be announced at a later date. For more information see the Treasurer, Maria Sobko

We have for sale frozen pierogies (varenyky) 2 dozen $14.00, borsht $5.00, cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) $10.00. You can buy after each Divine Liturgy.

PARISH CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: The Parish is currently seeking bids for the repaving of our parking lots, fence replacements, construction of a handicap ramp for the church hall, re-pointing and repair of the front steps to our church and sidewalk repairs. If you know of a contractor who you would like to bring to the Parish’s attention or if you are a contractor, please contact the rectory for bid information.

SEE SOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING: Dear Parishioners, the physical property of this Parish consists of five separate buildings. These buildings belong to you, take pride in them. If you see something broken or damaged, please pass the information on so that it can be fixed. Tell Father Iura, send an email to the Parish, or drop a note in the collection box at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, so that we can repair/fix what is wrong. Suggestions for improvement are also happily accepted. Thank you.

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

This week’s vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Mary and Michael Muryn in memory of all the victims of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on our country. May their souls rest in peace, Eternal Memory!

CONGRATULATIONS to Fr. Stepan and Orysia Yanovski on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary which was celebrated last week. Congratulations as well to Vasyl and Nadia Ivantsiv on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary which was also celebrated last week. May God continue to shower them with His choicest blessings for long life, health and happiness. Mnohaya lita!

During my vacation, you can call Fr. Stepan Yanovski 203-468-0367, or Fr. Ivan Mazuryk 203-367-5054. Blessings, Fr. Iura Godenciuc

The next meeting of Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will be held on Monday, September 9th, 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Room.

The Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee wishes to invite all parishioners to attend this year’s Ukrainian Day Festival to be held TODAY. The Festival will be held on the grounds of St. Basil’s Seminary, 161 Glenbrook Rd., Stamford. Advance general admission tickets are $5.00 per person, 12 and over and are available from Luba Dubno. Tickets purchased at the gate will be $10.00 per person. We also have raffle tickets for sale 5 tickets $5.00. This festival can exist only if volunteers sign up during the day to help out. Please make that effort to volunteer.

Our next pyrohy project for regular orders will be September 14th. We need your help on Friday, September 13 to peel potatoes and Saturday September 14 to make pierogies (varenyky). Please come and help. Due to recent legislation, we will no longer be providing plastic bags. Please bring your own shopping bag. Thank you, Walter Ushchak

The Immaculate Conception Society (Sestretsi) is cordially inviting all St. Michael’s Parishioners and friends to attend its Lasagna Dinner to be held on Sunday, October 6, 12:00 noon, at our Parish church hall. Come to enjoy good food, deserts and the company of parishioners and friends. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and free admission to those under the age of 12. Tickets sellers will be announced at a later date. For more information see the Treasurer, Maria Sobko

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

This week’s vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Cathy Kolesnik for God’s blessings and good health for Barbara and Patrick Bagley.

Reposed: Last week Sophie Ciukenda fell asleep in the Lord. Please pray for the repose of her soul. May her memory be eternal!

During my vacation, you can call Fr. Stepan Yanovski (203) 468-0367, or Fr. Ivan Mazuryk (203) 367-5054. Blessings, Fr. Iura Godenciuc

THANK YOU to the Estate of Pauline Kurylo for her generous donation of $2,000.00 to our church. Pauline Kurylo was a wonderful person who was loved by many. She will be missed. May her memory be eternal!

The next Sestrechi meeting will be held on Sunday, September 8th after the 9:00 Divine Liturgy. The meeting will be held in the Church Hall Classroom 1.

The next meeting of Knights of Columbus Blessed Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Ukrainian Council will be held on Monday, September 9th, 7:00 p.m. in the Holy Name Room.

We have for sale frozen pierogies (varenyky) 2 dozen $14.00, borsht $5.00, cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) $10.00. You can buy after each Divine Liturgy.

PYROHY PROJECT: We will make Pyrohy for the Ukrainian Festival in Stamford on Saturday, September 7th. Our next pyrohy project for regular orders will be September 14th Please come and help. Due to recent legislation, we will no longer be providing plastic bags. Please bring your own shopping bags.  Thank you, Walter Ushchak

The Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee wishes to invite all parishioners to attend this year’s Ukrainian Day Festival to be held on Sunday, September 8. The Festival will be held on the grounds of St. Basil’s Seminary, 161 Glenbrook Rd., Stamford, CT. Advance general admission tickets are $5.00 per person, 12 and over and are available from Luba Dubno. Tickets purchased at the gate will be $10.00 per person. We also have raffle tickets for sale 5 tickets $5.00. This festival can exist only if volunteers sign up during the day to help out. Please make that effort to volunteer.

Parish communications

New ways to keep communication going for our parish.

Even if some are not using all the platforms, it is good to get this info out…

Follow the St. Michael the Archangel Church on our updated social media platforms!

We have recently refreshed our social media presence and invite you to connect with us for matters pertaining to the Kievan Catholic Faith, the latest news from the UGCC, updates on parish groups, as well as learn about events at the parish, others parishes and the Eparchy of Stamford.

Follow our new Twitter account to read the latest news from us: @StMichaelNH

Like us on Facebook and stay up to date on St. Michael’s news matters of Faith and parish events: @stmichaelnewhaven

Check out our updated website for information on how to get involved with the Parish community:

Are you and your friends receiving our eNews? Sign up here:

Do you want to send your pyrohy order via email? Send it to The Pyrohy Project:

Sophie Ciukenda reposed in the Lord

Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of Sophie Ciukenda on 22 August 2019. Sophie was 94 years old. Kindly remember her family and friends who mourn her loss. May Sophie’s memory be eternal.

The Funeral Services for Sophie Ciukenda are as follows:

Sophie’s wake will be on Wednesday at W.S. Clancy Funeral Home, 244 North Main Street, Branford, CT 06405. The viewing time is 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The traditional Panakhyda Service will be prayed at 6:00 p.m., conducted by Father Ihor Midzak and Father Stepan Yanovski.

Fathers Midzak and Yanovski will serve the Funeral Liturgy at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday at St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church, 569 George Street New Haven, CT.

Burial will be in St. Lawrence Cemetery, Derby Avenue, Route 34,  West Haven, CT (across from Yale Bowl).

A reception follows at  Brazzi’s Restaurant at Long Wharf Terminal in New Haven, CT.

Sofie’s full obituary may be read here.

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

This week’s vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Cathy Kolesnik for God’s blessings and health for Barbara and Patrick Bagley.

During my vacation, you can call Fr. Stepan Yanovski (203) 468-0367, or Fr. Ivan Mazuryk (203) 367-5054. Blessings, Fr. Iura Godenciuc

Today, August 25, we will be having a ceremony in observance of the 28th Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence. This will take place after the 2nd Divine Liturgy beside the statue of the Blessed Virgin. Coffee and cake will be served in the church hall after the ceremony.

We have for sale frozen pierogies (varenyky) 2 dozen $14.00, borsht $5.00, cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) $10.00. You can buy after each Divine Liturgy.

We will make pyrohy for the Ukrainian Festival in Stamford on Saturday, September 7th. Our next pyrohy project  for regular orders will be September 14th. Please come and help. See Walter Ushchak for more information.

The Immaculate Conception Society (Sestretsi) is cordially inviting all St. Michael’s Parishioners and friends to attend its Lasagna Dinner to be held on Sunday, October 6, 12:00 noon, at our Parish church hall. Come to enjoy good food, deserts and the company of parishioners and friends. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and free admission to those under the age of 12. Tickets sellers will be announced at a later date. See the Treasurer, Maria Sobko for more information.

The final festival meeting of the CT State Ukrainian Day Committee will be held on Monday, August 26, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be hosted by: St. Basil’s Seminary, 195 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, CT. Refreshments will be served promptly at 7 p.m.


REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate to the Charities Appeal. Forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. Please enclose the form with your contribution into the envelope and place it into the collection basket during church services. Kindly make checks payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

This week’s vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Laura Smith in memory of all deceased members of the Menya Stacken family

During my vacation, you can call Fr. Stepan Yanovski (203) 468-0367, Fr. Paul Luniw (860) 583-7588 or Fr. Ivan Mazuryk (203) 367-5054. Blessings, Fr. Iura Godenciuc

Constyantyn Shkapoied and his wife Iryna would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to all those who came to celebrate their birthday on Sunday, August 4. Your presence and your support have indeed helped to make the day a truly memorable one. We are very happy to have made so many friends here in New Haven. Thank you all.

On Sunday, August 25, 2019 we will be having a ceremony in observance of the 28th Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence. This will take place after the 2nd Divine Liturgy beside the statue of the Blessed Virgin. Coffee and cake will be served in the church hall after the ceremony.

We will make pyrohy for the Ukrainian Festival in Stamford on Saturday, September 7th. Our next pyrohy project for regular orders will be September 14th. Please come and help. See Walter Ushchak for more information.

The Immaculate Conception Society (Sestretsi) is cordially inviting all St. Michael’s parishioners and friends to attend its yearly Luncheon to be held on Sunday, October 6, 12:00 noon, at our parish church hall. Come to enjoy good food, deserts and the company of parishioners and friends. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and free admission to those under the age of 18. Tickets sellers will be announced at a later date. See Maria Sobko for more information.

We have for sale frozen pierogies (varenyky) 2 dozen $14.00, cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) $10.00. You can buy after each Divine Liturgy.

The final festival meeting of the CT State Ukrainian Day Committee will be held on Monday, August 26, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be hosted by: St. Basil’s Seminary, 195 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, CT 06902. Refreshments will be served promptly at 7 p.m.

Orest Tadey (Tom) Dubno fell asleep in the Lord

On Wednesday, August 7, Orest Tadey (Tom) Dubno fell asleep in the Lord.

Let us hold Orest in prayer and for the consolation of his daughter and his family. May the Holy Theotokos assist him before the Throne of Grace. May Orest’s memory be eternal.

Friends may call at The Celentano Funeral Home, 424 Elm St. (cor. Dwight) New Haven Sunday from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. and are invited to attend a Funeral Liturgy in St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, 569 George St., New Haven Monday morning at 10:00. Panachida service in the funeral home Sunday evening at 6:00 p.m. Interment in East Side Cemetery, Woodbridge, CT.

Orest’s full obituary may be read here.

Parish announcements this week

Christ is in our midst!

This week the vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Vasyl Ivantsiv in memory of Anna and Vasyl.

Asleep in the Lord +Orest Dubno. Please remember Orest in your prayers. Eternal Memory!

During my vacation you can call Fr. Stepan Yanovski (203) 468-0367, or Fr. Paul Luniw (860) 583-7588 or Fr. Ivan Mazuryk at (203) 367-5054.

Constyantyn Shkapoied and his wife Iryna would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to all those who came to celebrate their birthday on Sunday, August 4. They write, “Your presence and your support have indeed helped to make the day a truly memorable one. We are very happy to have made so many friends here in New Haven. Thank you all.”

Flowers and herbs: It is customary to bring flowers and herbs to Church on the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. The Liturgy will be served on August 15th at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. The flowers and herbs will be blessed at the end of the Divine Liturgy. Why flowers and herbs? Holy Tradition reveals to us that the Apostles, with the exception of St. Thomas, were transported mystically to Jerusalem in order to be with Mary, the Mother of God –the Theotokos– as she was about to repose, and to be present at her burial. When the Apostle Thomas arrived the next day, the Apostles opened the tomb so that he could pay her reverence. The opened tomb revealed the body of the Virgin was missing, and filled with herbs and flowers interpreted as the sweet fragrance of Paradise. The faithful see this a certain sign of Mary’s purity and holiness.

The Immaculate Conception Society (Sestretsi) is cordially inviting al St. Michael’s Parishioners and friends to attend its yearly Luncheon to be held on Sunday, October 6, 12 noon, at our Parish church hall. Come to enjoy good food, deserts and the company of parishioners and friends. Tickets are $20.00 for adults and free admission to those under the age of 18. Tickets sellers will be announced at another date.

We have for sale frozen borscht for $5.00; cabbage and sausage (kapusta and kovbasa) for $10.00 and pyrohy (varenyky) in 2 dozen packages for $14.00. You can buy pyrohy after each Divine Liturgy or during the week if you call the rectory.