Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 10/20, 19 Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy Great-Martyr Artemius
9:00 a.m. +Father Edward T. Oakes, S.J. requested by Paul A. Zalonski
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: 2 Corinthians 11:31-12:9
Gospel: Luke 16:19–31, Tone 2

Monday, 10/21, Our Venerable Father Hilarion the Great
8:00 a.m. +Dmytro Bodnar (Pan.) requested by Maria Wysowskyj

Tuesday, 10/22, The Holy Wonderworker and Equal-to-the Apostles Abercius
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 10/23, The Holy Apostle and Brother of the Lord in the Flesh James
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 10/24, The Holy Martyrs Aretas and companions
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 10/25, The Holy Martyrs and Notaries Marcian and Martyrius
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Saturday, 10/26, The Holy and Glorious Great-Martyr Demetrius, from Whose Tomb Myrrh Streams Forth
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Sunday, 10/27, 20th Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy Martyr Nestor
9:00 a.m. +Michael Zalonski requested by Paul A. Zalonski
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: Galatians 1:11-19
Gospel: Luke 8:26-39, Tone 3

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 10/13, 18th Sunday after Pentecost —Of the Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council
9:00 a.m. +John Chalupa requested by Paul Zalonski
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
Gospel: Luke 8:5–15, Tone 1

Monday, 10/14, Our Venerable Mother Paraskeva of Ternovon
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, 10/15, Our Venerable Father Euthymius the Younger
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 10/16, The Holy Martyr Longinus the Centurion
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 10/17, The Holy Prophet Hosea; the Venerable-Martyr Andrew of Crete
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 10/18, The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke
9:00 a.m. +Petro and Anastazia Malyk requested by Kateryna Szymkiw

Saturday, 10/19, The Holy Prophet Joel
9:00 a.m. +Wasyl Dobrianskyj requested by Kateryna Szymkiw

Sunday, 10/20, 19th Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy Great-Martyr Artemius
9:00 a.m. +Father Edward T. Oakes, S.J. requested by Paul Zalonski
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: 2 Corinthians 11:31-12:9
Gospel: Luke 16:19-31, Tone 2

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 10/6, 17th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 a.m. The Living and Deceased members of the Leslie Family requested by Paul Zalonski
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: 2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1
Gospel: Luke 7:11-16, Tone 8

Monday, 10/7, The Holy Martyrs Sergius and Bachus
9:00 a.m. Friends and Benefactors of the St Gianna Center (New Haven) requested by Paul Zalonski

Tuesday, 10/08, Our Venerable Mother Pelagia
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 10/09, The Holy Apostle James Alpheus
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 10/10, The Holy Martyrs Eulampius and Eulampia
9:00 a.m. +Catherine Levitzky (Pan.) requested by Joseph Levitzky

Friday, 10/11, The Holy Apostle and Deacon Philip
9:00 a.m. +Anna Docknevich requested by Martin Docknevich

Saturday, 10/12, The Holy Martyrs Probus and companions and Cosmas
9:00 a.m. +Joseph Levitzky (Pan.) requested by Joseph Levitzky

Sunday, 10/13, 18th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 a.m. +John Chalupa requested by Paul Zalonski
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11
Gospel: Luke 8:5-15, Tone 1

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 9/29, 16th Sunday after Pentecost —Our Venerable Father Cyriacus the Anchorite
9:00 a.m. The Living and Deceased members of the Zalonski Family requested by Paul Zalonski
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: 2 Corinthians 6:1-10
Gospel: Luke 6:31–36, Tone 7

Monday, 9/30, The Priest-Martyr Gregory
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, 10/01, Protection of the Holy Theotokos; Holy Apostle Ananias, One of the Seventy Disciples
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy —a holy day

Wednesday, 10/02, The Holy-Priest Martyr Cyprian; and the Holy Martyr Justina; Holy Andrew, Fool for the Sake of Christ
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 10/03, The Holy Priest-Martyr Dionysius the Areopagite
9:00 a.m. +Ivan and Halyna Lobay requested by Maria Lobay

Friday, 10/04, The Holy Priest-Martyr Hierotheus, Bishop of Athens; Our Venerable Father Francis of Assisi
9:00 a.m. +Allan Yursha (Pan.) requested by the Family

Saturday, 10/05, The Holy Martyr Charitina
9:00 a.m. +Mychajlo and Volodymyr (40 days Pan.) requested by the Faryna Family

Sunday, 10/06, 17th Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy and Glorious Apostle Thomas
9:00 a.m. The Living and Deceased members of the Leslie Family requested by Paul Zalonski
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: 2 Corinthians 6:16-7:1
Gospel: Luke 7:11-16, Tone 8

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ

Sunday, 9/15, 14th Sunday after Pentecost —Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the Holy Great-Martyr Nicetas

9:00 a.m. +Michael Waselik (34th Anniversary) requested by the Family
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: Galatians 2:16-20
Gospel: Mark 8:34 – 9:1-26, Tone 5

Monday, 9/16, Post-feast of the Exaltation. The Holy, Great Woman-Martyr Euphemia the All-Praised
9:00 a.m. +Orest Dubno (40 Day Liturgy) requested by the Family

Tuesday, 9/17, Post-feast of the Exaltation. The Holy Martyr Sophia, and Her Three Daughters Faith, Hope and Love
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 9/18, Post-feast of the Exaltation. Our Venerable Father Eumenes
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 9/19, The Holy Martyrs Trophimus, Sabbatius, and Dorymedontus
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 9/20, The Holy Great-Martyr Eustathius and Those with Him
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Saturday, 9/21, The Leave-taking of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross; the Holy Apostle Condratus of Magnesia
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Sunday, 9/22, 15th Sunday after Pentecost —The Holy Priest-Martyr Phocas; the Holy Prophet Jonah

9:00 a,m. God’s blessings and health for Sophie DeCarlo (102th Birthday) requested by Judith Ellis
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: Second Corinthians 4:6-15
Gospel: Matthew 22:35-46, Tone 6

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2019

Saturday, September 14, is the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. It is a Fast Day with wine and oil permitted, so no meat, fish, eggs or dairy. Just a reminder. The faithful are obliged to attend the Divine Liturgy on the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. The Divine Liturgy will be offered at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday. Blessed Feast!


Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 9/08, 13th Sunday after Pentecost —Birth of the Holy Theotokos
9:00 a.m. For our parishioners
10:30 a.m. God’s blessings and good health for Fr. Stepan and Orysia Yanovski requested by their children

Epistle: Galatians 6:11-18
Gospel: John 3:13-17, Tone 4

Monday, 9/09, Post-feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God; the Holy and Righteous Forebears of God Joachim and Anna
9:00 a.m. God’s blessings and good health for Vasyl and Nadia Ivantsiv requested by Natalia Chermak and Family

Tuesday, 9/10, Post-feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God; the Holy Martyr Menodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 9/11, Post-feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God; Our Venerable Mother Theodora of Alexandria
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 9/12, Leave-taking of the Feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God; the Holy Priest-Martyr Autonomus
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 9/13, Commemoration of the Dedication of the Holy Church of the Resurrection of Christ Our God; the Fore-feast of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Saturday, 9/14, The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross
9:00 a.m. +Dario Aponte (Pan.) requested by the Family

Sunday, 9/15, Sunday after the Exaltation
9:00 a.m. +Michael Waselik (34th Anniversary) requested by the Family
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: Galatians 2:16-20
Gospel: Mark 8:34-9:1, Tone 5

New Liturgical Year September 1

Happy New Year!—The Beginning of the New Liturgical Year

For the maintenance of their armed forces, the Roman emperors decreed that their subjects in every district should be taxed every year. This same decree was reissued every fifteen years, since the Roman soldiers were obliged to serve for fifteen years. At the end of each fifteen-year period, an assessment was made of what economic changes had taken place, and a new tax was decreed, which was to be paid over the span of the fifteen years. This imperial decree, which was issued before the season of winter, was named Indictio, that is, Definition, or Order. This name was also adopted by the emperors in Constantinople.

At other times, the latter also used the term Epinemisis, that is, Distribution (Dianome). It is commonly held that Saint Constantine the Great introduced the Indiction decrees in A.D. 312, after he beheld the sign of the Cross in Heaven and vanquished Maxentius and was proclaimed Emperor in the West. Some, however (and this seems more likely), ascribe the institution of the Indiction to Augustus Caesar, three years before the birth of Christ. Those who hold this view offer as proof the papal bull issued in A.D. 781 which is dated thus: Anno IV, Indictionis LIII -that is, the fourth year of the fifty-third Indiction. From this, we can deduce the aforementioned year (3 B.C.) by multiplying the fifty-two complete Indictions by the number of years in each (15), and adding the three years of the fifty-third Indiction.

There are three types of Indictions: 1) That which was introduced in the West, and which is called Imperial, or Caesarean, or Constantinian, and which begins on the 24th of September; 2) The so-called Papal Indiction, which begins on the 1st of January; and 3) The Constantinopolitan, which was adopted by the Patriarchs of that city after the fall of the Eastern Empire in 1453. This Indiction is indicated in their own hand on the decrees they issue, without the numeration of the fifteen years.

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Sunday, 9/01, 12th Sunday after Pentecost —Beginning of the Indiction, that is, the New Year
9:00 a.m.+Ivan and Halyna Lobay requested by Maria Lobay
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Gospel: Matthew 19:16-26, Tone 3

Monday, 9/02, The Holy Martyr Mamas —Labor Day (US civil holiday)
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, 9/03, The Holy Priest-Martyr Anthymus
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 9/04, The Holy Priest-Martyr Babylas, the Holy Prophet Moses Who saw God
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Thursday, 9/05, The Holy Prophet Zachary and Elizabeth, Parents of John the Baptist
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Friday, 9/06, Commemoration of the Miracle Performed at Colossus in Chone by the Archangel Michael
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Saturday, 9/07, The Fore-feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God
9:00 a.m. +Myroslaw Trojan requested by Nadia Trojan and Family

***Note: On a Sunday or holy day nearest to today – 35th anniversary of the death of Patriarch Joseph Cardinal Slipyj in 1984 – one of the bination Divine Liturgies is to be offered for the repose of his soul, following the Liturgy, a panakhyda is to be offered. (Cf. Stamford Diocesan Memorandum No. 472/92)

Sunday, 9/08, 13th Sunday after Pentecost —Birth of the Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: Galatians 6:11-18 and Philippians 2:5-11
Gospel: John 3:13-17, Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28, Tone 4

Divine Liturgy for the coming week

Glory to Jesus Christ

Sunday, 8/25, 11th Sunday after Pentecost —The Return of the Relics of the Holy Apostle Bartholomew and the Holy Apostle Titus

9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 9:2-12
Gospel: Matthew 18:23-35, Tone 2

Monday, 8/26/19 The Holy Martyrs Adrian and Natalia
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Tuesday, 8/27, Our Venerable Father Pimen
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Wednesday, 8/28, Our Venerable Father Moses the Black and St. Augustine of Hippo
9:00 a.m. +Wasyl Dobczansky requested by the Family

Thursday, 8/29, The Beheading of the Honorable and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John
9:00 a.m. Special Intention

Friday, 8/30, Our Holy Fathers and Patriarchs of Constantinople Alexander, John, and Paul the Younger
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Saturday, 8/31,The Placing of the Precious Sash of Our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God in Calcoprateia
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy

Sunday, 9/01, 12th Sunday after Pentecost —Beginning of the Indiction, that is, the New Year; Commemoration of Our Holy Father Symeon the Stylite

9:00 a.m. +Ivan and Halyna Lobay requested by Maria Lobay
10:30 a.m.For our parishioners

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Gospel: Matthew 19:16-26, Tone 3