Christ is risen!
The Divine Liturgy will be live streamed on Sunday, May 3, 10:00 a.m. on Facebook and on the parish website.
Join us for the Liturgy!
Christ is risen!
The Divine Liturgy will be live streamed on Sunday, May 3, 10:00 a.m. on Facebook and on the parish website.
Join us for the Liturgy!
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Regrettably, the following liturgies are not open to the public.
Sunday, 4/05, Palm Sunday
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish and For all sick people with corona virus
Blessing of Pussy-willows
Epistle: Philippians 4:4-9
Gospel: John 12:1-18, Tone 2
Monday, 4/06, Holy Father Methodius, teachers of Slavs
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and heath for all family members requested by Stefania Tsidaridis
Tuesday, 4/07, Holy Bishop George
9:00 a.m. God’s blessing and health for Sophie DeCarlo requested by Judith Ellis
Wednesday, 4/08, Holy Apostles Herodion, Agabus, Rufus
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Liturgy
Thursday, 4/09, Holy Thursday
6:00 p.m. Matins —Proclamation of the Passion Gospels
Friday, 4/10, Good Friday
3:00 p.m. Vespers and Veneration of the Holy Shroud
Saturday, 4/11, Holy Saturday
9:00 a.m. Serving the Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great
4:00 p.m. Blessing of Easter Foods
6:00 p.m. Blessing of Easter Foods
6:30 p.m. Prayers at the Tomb and Paschal Matins
Sunday, 4/12, Resurrection of Our Lord
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish and For all sick people with corona virus
Blessing of Easter Foods
Epistle: Acts 1:1-8
Gospel: John 1:1-17, Tone 2
Glory to Jesus Christ
Sunday, 3/29, 5th Sunday of Lent
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish AND For all sick people from corona virus
Epistle: Hebrews 9:11-14
Gospel: Mark 10:32-45, Tone 1
Monday, 3/30, Our Venerable John Climacus
9:00 a.m. God’s blessings for the Yanovski, Korenovski, Chermak families requested by the Chermak family
Tuesday, 3/31, Holy Bishop Hypatius
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, 4/01, Our Venerable Mary of Egypt
9:00 a.m. +Sophie Plachtyna requested by Sestretsi
Thursday, 4/02, Our Venerable Wonderworker Titus
9:00 a.m. God’s blessings for Stephania and Melania Korenovsky requested by the Chermak family
Friday, 4/03, Our Venerable Confessor Nicetas
9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts
Saturday, 4/04, Our Venerable Joseph and George; Saturday of Lazarus
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Sunday, 4/05, Palm Sunday
10:00 a.m. For the people of the parish AND For all sick people from corona virus
Blessing of Pussy willows
Epistle: Philippians 4:4-9
Gospel: John 12:1-18, Tone 2
Glory to Jesus Christ
Sunday, 3/01, 1st Sunday of Lent
9:00 a.m. For the people of the parish
10:00 a.m. +Gregory Dubno requested by Luba Dubno
Epistle: Hebrews 11:24-26, 32-40;12:1-2
Gospel: John 1:43-51, Tone 5
Monday, 3/02, Holy Priest Martyr Theodotus
9:00 a.m. +Stefan Jurczak (Pan.) requested by Ihor and Olia Lewiskyj and family
Tuesday, 3/03, The Holy Martyrs Eutropius, Cleonicus
9:00 a.m. +Ivan Lobay (Pan.) requested by Maria Lobay
Wednesday, 3/04, Our Venerable Father Gerasimus
9:00 a.m. +Allan Yursha (Pan.) requested by Mary Ann Yursha
Thursday, 3/05/20 The Holy Martyr Conon
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Liturgy
Friday, 3/06, The Holy Forty Martyrs of Ammorium
7:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy of the Presanctifed Gifts
Saturday, 3/07, Holy Priests Martyrs Basil, Ephrem
9:00 a.m. All deceased of the Parish-Sorokousty
Sunday, 03/08, 2nd Sunday of Lent
9:00 a.m. +Catherine Levitzky (11th Anniv.) requested by Joseph M. Levitzky
10:30 a.m. For the people of the parish
Epistle: Hebrews 1:10-2:3
Gospel: Mark 2:1-12, Tone 6
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Note: Candles are blessed before the Divine Liturgy (cf. Molytvoslov, p. 867). After the Liturgy: Anointing of the faithful and distribution of prosfora.
Note: There is no fasting this week.
Sun. 2/02/20 Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee —Meeting of Our Lord with Simeon
9:00 Special Intention
Blessing of Candles
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners
Liturgy: Epistle: 1 Timothy 3:10-15 and Gospel: Luke 18:10-14, Tone 1
Blessing: Hebrew 7:7-17 and Luke 2:22-40
Monday, 2/03, Post-feast of the Encounter. The Holy and Just Simeon, Who Received God, and the Prophetess Anna
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, 2/04, Post-feast of the Encounter. Our Venerable Isidore
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, 2/05, Post-feast of the Encounter. Holy Martyr Agatha
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Thursday, 2/06, Post-feast of the Encounter. Holy Bishop Boucolus
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Friday, 2/07, Post-feast of the Encounter. Holy Bishop Parthenius
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Saturday, 2/08, Post-feast of the Encounter. Holy Great-Martyr Theodore
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Sunday, 2/09, Sunday of the Prodigal Son —Leave-taking of the Encounter. The Holy Martyr Nicephorus.
9:00 a.m. Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Gospel: Luke 15:11-32, Tone 2
Christ is born!
Sunday, 1/19, 32nd Sunday after Pentecost —Our Venerable Father Macarius of Egypt
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners
Epistle: 1 Timothy 1:15-17
Gospel: Luke 18:35-43, Tone 7
Monday, 1/20, Our Venerable and God-bearing Father Euthemius the Great —Civil Holiday of Martin Luther King Day
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Tuesday, 1/21, Our Venerable Father Maximus the Confessor
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, 1/22, The Holy Apostle Timothy; the Holy Venerable-Martyr Anastasius the Persian
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Thursday, 1/23, The Holy Priest-Martyr Clement
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Friday, 1/24, Our Venerable Mother Xenia the Roman
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Saturday, 1/25, Our Holy Father Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Sunday, 1/26, Sunday of Zacchaeus —Our Venerable Father Xenophon and His Wife Maria
9:00 Special Intention
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners
Epistle: 1 Timothy 4:9-15
Gospel: Luke 19:1-10, Tone 8
Christ is born!
Note: No fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays until the Leave-taking of Holy Theophany (January 14, 2020).
Sunday, 1/12, Sunday after Theophany —Post-feast of Theophany; the Holy Martyr Tatiana
9:00 a.m. +Nicholas Muryn requested by Mary and Michael
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners
Epistle: Ephesians 4:7-13
Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17, Tone 6
Monday, 1/13, Post-feast of Theophany; the Holy Martyrs Hermylus and Stratonicus
9:00 a.m. +Nicholas and Margaret Barraco requested by Jaroslaw Paluha
Tuesday, 1/14, Leave-taking of the Feast of the Holy Theophany; Our Venerable Fathers Massacred in Sinai and Raithu; the Repose of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Enlightener of Georgia.
9:00 Special Intention requested by Jaroslaw Paluha
Wednesday, 1/15, Our Venerable Fathers Paul of Thebes
9:00 a.m. +Myron Brochinsky (Pan.) requested by Dionizia Brochinsky
Thursday, 1/16, The Veneration of the Precious Chains of the Holy and Illustrious Apostle Peter
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Friday, 1/17, Our Venerable and God-bearing Father Anthony the Great
9:00 a.m. No intention for the Divine Liturgy
Saturday, 1/18, Our Holy Fathers and Archbishops of Alexandria Athanasius and Cyril
9:00 a.m. +Mychajlo Zvarych (Pan.) requested by Stefania Zvarych
Sunday, 1/19, 32nd Sunday after Pentecost —Our Venerable Father Macarius of Egypt
10:30 a.m. For our parishioners
Epistle: 1 Timothy 1:15-17
Gospel: Luke 18:35-43, Tone 7
Christ is baptized!
The Kontakion verse for Theophany we pray: “Today, you have appeared to the world and your light, O Lord, has been signed on us, who with knowledge sing your praises. You have come, You have appeared, O unapproachable light.”
His Beatitude, Patriarch Sviatoslav wrote to the Church saying, “In our tradition the feast to commemorate Christ’s Baptism is called Theophany, because it is the first time that God revealed Himself as Trinity: the Father, who allows his voice to be heard, the Beloved Son, who in the Jordan waters receives his mission, the Holy Spirit, who in the form of a dove let’s know that He accompanies the Son in all things. And because we believe in a God who is community, we Christians are also called to live in community and be community.”
The Divine Liturgy for Holy Theophany, Monday, January 6 — a Holy day of Obligation
9:15 a.m. Great Compline
10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy and the Great Sanctification of Water followed by Myrovann—in Ukrainian
7:00 p.m. Divine Liturgy followed by an Anointing —in English
Since the second century, the Church has celebrated the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan River for our sanctification. Join us in prayer on this important day.
Be informed about the Greek Liturgy we pray each Sunday.
The introduction is given by Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski, Eparch of New Westminster for Ukrainian Catholics in British Columbia.
The video is worth the time watching.