Sunday of the myrrh-bearers

Why do the myrrh-bearers factor into our theological formation?

The apostle and evangelist Mark gives us the key to interpret the facts of Jesus’ preaching with the preaching myrrh-bearers: we must have the courage to complete the women’s task, we must proclaim that Jesus is the Messiah, not by spices and oils, but by our witness to the world and our worship of Jesus Christ —The Messiah!

Let’s connect the dots: Thomas teaches us to why to profess that Jesus is “our Lord and our God.” The Myrrh-bearers teach us to have the intimate love sustained by trust and courage in the face of opposition so that we can keep the great commandment: “If you love me, keep my commandments,” and the commandments are these: love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole mind and with your whole soul,” and “love your neighbor as yourself.”

As the Holy Myrrh-bears, so for us.