Parish announcements

ST. MICHAEL’S UKRAINIAN SCHOOL TO REOPENED IN SEPTEMBER: The Ukrainian School of New Haven has reopened for the new school year 2022-2023 on September 23rd. If you have any questions for students of Elementary School please contact The School Director Halia Lodynsky at 203-494-6278. For students, Middle School call Volodymyr Dumalskyy at 203-988-2923. A nursery school program for children 2-5 years old is also part of the curriculum. Instruction will be primarily in Ukrainian language with accommodations for English. Connecticut Covid guidelines will be followed. For further information also please call Nataliia Dankevych 203-901-7168.

ST. MICHAEL’S HERITAGE CENTER GIFT SHOP is open for business. We are in the process of revitalizing and restocking our Gift shop as part of our overall effort to generate needed funds. Any Parishioner who has surplus Ukrainian items in their possession that they would like to donate or place on consignment with the shop, please drop them off at the Gift Shop which is open and accessible during Suma Credit Union hours. For further information, please call the rectory, or email the Shop at:

FOOD DONATIONS: A container is in our church vestibule for non-perishable food. This collection will be taken twice per month. Father Iura will distribute the food to the Little Sisters of the Poor who have offered to help in the Ukrainian crisis. Thank you for your generosity and your support.

PYROHY is for sale. There will be pyrohy (varenyky/pierogis for sale in the church hall as long as supplies last. $16.00 FOR 2 dozen.

Supporting the Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief Project New Haven

To give online:

To mail a check – send to:

KofC Council 16253
St. Michael the Archangel Church
569 George Street
New Haven, CT 06511-5301

Checks payable to: KofC Council 16253
In the memo please write: St. Michael’s Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief Fund