Update for the Ukrainian Relief Project

Carl Harvey reports that Father Roman has received the most recent shipment in Ukraine. Carl and Myron and their committee wish to express their gratitude to all of the people who have contributed the items that were shipped over and the funding to cover the costs associated with shipping it over to Father Roman.

We are sourcing vehicles and specific, professional medical supplies to support the injured soldiers. Funding is most critical in getting materials to Ukraine especially with transportation costs rising.

Online gifts for the Ukrainian humanitarian work may be made here: https://stmichaelukrainian.org

We are planning to send out our next shipment on November 19th.

You are an AMAZING GROUP OF PEOPLE. We are EXTREMELY GRATEFUL to all of you and the others of our group that enable us to continue with this program and to accomplish so much.

Our friends at Yale University recently raised $3700.00 that will go to the Come Back Alive Foundation. Daria and her committee raised awareness and funds with the help of varenyky made by the Pierogi Project at St Michael’s.

Bobriwka is hosting Pecheny Baraboli this Sunday, Oct 16. Starts at 1pm. Potatoes provided, bring a side dish to share. See the attached flyer.

May GOD BLESS all of you!!!!