Parish announcements

The Holy Spirit is among us!

This week vigil light is offered to God’s glory by Judith Pond in memory of Anna Lipcan.

Every Sunday you can watch live on parish Facebook at 10:30 Divine Liturgy in Ukrainian languages. Facebook:
The Liturgy is also posted here on the parish website.

The Panachyda Service at the gravesites will take place TODAY, May 31st at 1:00 p.m. at St. Lawrence Cemetery. Please call the rectory office for appointment. For Panachyda Service at other cemeteries please call the rectory.

“Blessed are You, O Lord, for giving us fishermen most wise, sending down upon them the Holy Spirit. Thereby they catch the universe of mankind in the net of salvation. Glory to You, most merciful Lord.” (from the Tropar of the Feast)

On the fiftieth day after Christ’s Resurrection, the Church celebrates the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles (see Acts 2:1-4). This sending of the Holy Spirit signals the fulfillment of God’s condescension to creation, a condescension that began at the creation of the world. In the Holy Spirit, God offers himself to the human race. This gift of God’s life is always a blessing for us, and thus we refer to it as grace. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives us the opportunity to become partakers of God’s nature, to be divinized, to enter into the communion of the Persons of the Most Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit fills creation with his grace and perfects it in accordance with God’s plan: “God’s Spirit was to spiritualize the darkness of matter, to illuminate it, and to draw it into the sphere of God’s life.”

The Holy Spirit bestows upon us a wealth of gifts. And though there is one Spirit, there are many gifts (see 1 Cor 12:4). “There its not a single gift that creation possesses that has not come from the Holy Spirit .” The Holy Spirit brings meaning and purpose to the history of humankind, directing it toward Christ, the Divine Logos. The Holy Spirit is the Source and Giver of every human life. It is the Holy Spirit who creates humankind in the image of Christ, making it a living soul, his temple and the dwelling place of the Most Holy Trinity.  (Christ Our Pascha: 255-256)