Parish announcements this week

The Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Committee wishes to invite all parishioners to attend this year’s Ukrainian Day Festival to be held on Sunday, September 8. The Festival will be held on the grounds of St. Basil’s Seminary, 161 Glenbrook Rd., Stamford. Advance general admission tickets are $5.00 per person, 12 and over are available from Luba Dubno. Tickets purchases at the gate will be $10:00 per person. We also have raffle tickets for sale 5 tickets $5. This festival can exist if volunteers sign up during the day to help out. Please make that effort to volunteer.

REMINDER: Please don’t forget to donate for Charities Appeal. The forms are designed for each family of our parish. Attached to the form is an envelope into which you can place your contribution. The form along with your contribution, we ask you enclose in the envelope and place it in the collection basket during church services. Please make check payable to the Byzantine Rite Eparchy of Stamford. DO NOT MAIL THIS FORM TO THE CHANCERY OFFICE. We sincerely ask all parishioners to make generous contributions.

Awakenings —Adult Faith Formation: “Now, since the children are men of blood and flesh, Jesus likewise had a full share in ours, that by his death he might rob the devil, the prince of death, of his power.” (Hebrews 2: 14)

Humankind – in the Image and Likeness of God: When Adam and Eve transgressed the commandment, they severed their bond with God. Their choice became the cause of death, and the “tree of knowledge of good and evil” became its instrument. The cross was also such an instrument of death, prepared on Golgotha for the Son of God, Jesus Christ. However, by accepting death on the cross, he transformed the instrument of death, the cross, into a “tree of life;” “Truly, O Christ, the tree of life has blossomed. For the cross, planted in the earth, fed with blood and water from your pure side, has put forth life for us.” It has become a life giving cross (Christ Our Pascha, 139).