ST. GIANNA CENTER OF NEW HAVEN: The parish is collecting diapers, seats, strollers and gift cards to be given to the St. Gianna Center of New Haven ( Useful diapers sizes: 3, 4, 5. Gift cards are needed from Walmart or Target. Please place the gift card in an envelope marked “St. Gianna Center” and give it to directly Fr. Iura. Also, NEW car seats/strollers are needed (sorry, old car seats/strollers can’t be accepted due to legislation.) Items can be placed in the labeled box at the entrance of the Church. The St. Gianna Center is a ministry of Catholics in New Haven helping at-risk pregnant women and their children. Thank you for your generosity!
SEE SOMETHING – SAY SOMETHING: Dear Parishioners, the physical property of this Parish consists of five separate buildings. These buildings belong to you, take pride in them. If you see something broken or damaged, please pass the information on so that it can be fixed. Tell Father Iura, send an email to the Parish, or drop a note in the collection box at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, so that we can repair/fix what is wrong. Suggestions for improvement are also happily accepted. Thank you.
BULLETIN UPDATES: Dear parishioners, as you may have noticed there have been some changes and improvements to our parish bulletin. In a continuing effort to make the bulletin more parishioner friendly, I call upon you to let me know what else you would like to see and or change. As always I appreciate the various informational materials that you have provided and I am looking forward to your continued responses.