Parish announcements this week

12. Hall Roof Repair: In the vestibule of the church there are reports regarding the status of the Hall Roof Repair. Please take a copy and review the contents. Thank you!    Fr. Iura

13. LITURGYMUSICAL PERFORMANCE: You are all welcome to attend the musical performance entitled “LITURGY” by NOVA OPERA from Kyiv, Ukraine at St. Basil Seminary, January 24th , 2018 at 7:00PM. Please be informed that NOVA OPERA is a group of young Ukrainian musicians searching for the new ways of developing music theatre. They create new synthetic genres and experimenting with untypical music and stage performances.

14. CHURCH HALL ROOF REPAIR FUND: in the vestibule of the church there are reports regarding the status of the Church Hall Roof Repair Fund. Please take a copy and review the contents. Thank you!    Fr. Iura

15. CATECHISM: Know your Catholic Faith: Christ Our Pascha, the Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church is now available online in English, We are working to get the print edition when it is available.

16. ST. GIANNA CENTER OF NEW HAVEN: Have you made a gift that will help at-risk mothers and their children? The parish is collecting diapers, seats, strollers and gift cards to be given to the St. Gianna Center of New Haven (www.gianna Useful diapers sizes:3, 4, and 5. Gift cards are needed from Wal-Mart or Target. Please place the gift card in an envelope marked “St. Gianna Center” and give it to directly Fr. Iura. Items can be placed in the labeled box at the entrance of the Church. The St. Gianna Center is a ministry of Catholics in New Haven helping at-risk pregnant women and their children. Thank you for your generosity!

17. PARISH COMMUNICATIONS: In 2017, great efforts have been made in keeping members of the parish informed. The parish communications efforts promote parish programs (faith, educational and social concerns), activities and needs to the community. The tools we have are: the bulletin, the parish website, the parish Facebook page (see the back page for those addresses) and the email list. The weekly bulletin is posted online as is the pyrohy (pierogi) schedule, and the parish calendar. Parish communications is two-fold: information and faith formation. Good and effective parish communications helps our discipleship with Jesus Christ and our mutual friendship. In a continuing effort to make the bulletin more parishioner friendly, I call upon you to let me know what else you would like to see and or change. And as always I appreciate the various information that you are providing. I look forward to your responses. Father Iura.