Parish announcements this week

SOROKOUSTY: will be celebrated on All Souls’ Saturdays, February 23rd , March 16th, March 23rd, March 30th, and June 8th. Please take a book found in the entrance of the church, fill it out, place it in envelope, and drop it in the collection basket.

Awakenings —Adult Faith Formation: “Every worthwhile gift, every genuine benefit comes from above, descending from the Father of the heavenly luminaries, who cannot change and who is never shadowed over.” (James 1:17)

The Goodness of the Creation

In the account of the creation of the world, Holy Scripture discloses the way in which God assesses the world created by him: “And God saw that it was good” (Gen 1: 10 et al.). Like an artist, God creates a masterpiece; he examines his creation with attention, and he delights in it. The Father contemplates the world and recognizes within its features the face of the Son – the first-born of all creation, by whom and for whom all was created (see Col 1: 15f). The face of Christ comes through ever more distinctly throughout history – all the way to the incarnation of the Son of God and his second coming in glory. Creation is the visible icon of the invisible God. As history unfolds, this creation is being transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into a “new creation,” prefigured in the glorified body of the Risen Christ. (Christ Our Pascha, 107)