Conception of St Anne Liturgy

iconstsannejoachimmaryThe Divine Liturgy will be offered on Thursday, December 8th at 9:00 a.m. for the feast of Conception of St Anne [also called the Maternity of Holy Anne].

It is a holy day. 

In the Roman Church, the feast is called the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

“With the Angels let us celebrate the aIl-glorious conception of the Mother of God” (from the Office of Matins).

Holy Scripture does not about about the birth and infancy of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The early Christians believed, based on the Protoevangelium of St. James, a document compiled by an unknown author in the middle of the second century. In this text the  birth of Mary was considered as miraculous in manner that we consider the birth of St. John the Baptist to be.

More about today’s feast can be read here.