Sunday of the Paralytic

Can you feel it? Can you notice the warmth of the Holy Spirit? We are moving toward the great feast Pentecost. You can feel the dramatic intensity of the praying Church getting ready for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In preparation for receiving the Holy Spirit the Church gives us this weekend the gift of the Sunday of the Paralytic.

Resources from God With Us Online

Don’t miss the April reflection –only one page– by Fr. Vasile Colopelnic, “Developing a Eucharistic Lifestyle.” Fr. Vaisle is a priest the Stamford Eparchy serving in New York State.

There is also the Resurrectional Troparion in Tone 3 to listen to as well as the resources for catechism class.

Prepare for hearing Sunday’s Gospel by listening to the Gospel Reflection.

St. John Chrysostom teaches: “What kind of a cure is this? What mystery does it signify to us?… It was the greatest of gifts, a baptism purging all sins and making people alive instead of dead. These things then are foreshown as in a picture by the pool.… so that those [at the pool] who had learned over and over how it is possible to heal the diseases of the body by water might more easily believe that water can also heal the diseases of the soul.”