Divine Liturgy for Deceased UNA-414 members

On Sunday, April 29, the 10:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy will be offered for the deceased members of the Ukrainian National Association (UNA) Branch 414. 

We gather to pray to God for these, our friends, and their eternal memory.

Join in prayer.

The Ukrainian National Association (UNA) was started in 1894 in Shamokin, PA, by a Ukrainian Catholic priest as a fraternal benefit society responding to a familial and societal crisis as many Ukrainian men were dying in the coal mines leaving women with children destitute. As a fraternal organization it was established to help families bury the dead and to provide basic income for the family. Today, the UNA is present in 16 states with a portfolio of modern financial products including permanent and term life insurance, annuities, IRAs and financial planning.

The UNA publishes two weekly newspapers —the Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly. There is also the The Ukrainian National Foundation, Inc. (UNF), to support youth and senior citizen initiatives which promote artistic and cultural exchanges (including Soyuzivka Heritage Center). More information may be read here: http://ukrainiannationalassociation.org