All Souls’ Saturdays (SOROKOUSTY)

requiem candlesAll Souls’ Saturdays (SOROKOUSTY), February 18, March 11, 18, April 1, and then in Eastertime on June 3.
The Divine Liturgy is offered at 8:30 a.m.
Please give Father Iura the names of your deceased loved one. Place it in envelope.
Let us remember all our loved ones who have gone to their heavenly reward. Eternal Memory!
Note Well: The word Ukrainian word “Sorokousty” means “forty mouths” (sorok = forty; ust = mouth). Originally, this was a prayer service offered by forty mouths or by forty priests. Historically, families would honor their deceased by holding services for them in the cathedrals on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day after their death —with 40 priests celebrating the services. Today, Sorokousty is the service that honors the deceased and is offered during Lent.